Chapter 4

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      Ashtin throws his hands into the air and jumps for joy. He turns, he bends, he yells, his heart starts pumping, and he wants to run. He races over to Izzy to get her and set her into a twist. However, Izzy puts her hands up, "Do not even think about it. I am only doing this because I said I would if you took a bath. I never possibly considered you would even do it. How did you get so wet anyway? Maybe I will have to learn to be more careful with my words." You can see Izzy glaring up at Ashtin with such force that if he were iron, he would melt.

       "At the dunking tank, obviously, they are having a challenge, you know. If you do not get dunked, you can win a prize. As should be obvious, I lost." Ashtin answers with a shrug, "Where is your brother Thusia Makenna? I have yet to see him." Makenna scowls, "He ought to have been at the dunking tank. Are certain you have not seen him yet?" Ashtin grimaces, "You would think I would have seen him. Hello, I am wet over here from the dunking tank." At this point, Makenna begins to stress since she knows he was supposed to be over at the dunking tank.

     "We better head over there then. Before mom finds out, or she will throw a fit." Makenna says. Makenna snatches Izzy's hand and starts strolling towards the dunk tanks. Ashtin calls out, "Wait for me." Ashtin begins to hurry to make up for the lost time to catch up to Izzy and Makenna as Izzy says, "Does he need to follow us all over the place? He does this every festival." Makenna looks at Izzy and tells her, "You know he likes you. Is there anything wrong with that?" Izzy snorts, "For one, he smells. He is a boy. Boys stink." The smell of food whiffs through the air, and that when Izzy realizes they are late for lunch.

     "OH, NO!" Izzy exclaims, "Come on, Makenna, we got to go, or we are both in trouble." Izzy yanks on Makenna's arm and drags her entirely in the opposite direction of where they were going. She races back to the baking hall as fast as she can. You can hear Ashtin huffing and puffing, trying to catch up to both of them. As Izzy runs, she keeps running into people, and she apologizes over and over again. By the time she makes it to the baking hall, she is bending over with her hands on her knees, panting. Her cheeks are pink from all the running. "Come on." she says to Makenna, "We need to get in there."

      Makenna, Izzy, and Ashtin walk back into the Baking hall to find that Thusia is already there. Phaerille waves them over, and Izzy's mom has her hands on her hips. "Oh No, I am in trouble now," says Izzy to herself. Izzy walks over to her mom and says, "Sorry we are late. We were looking for Thusia." As Izzy says this, she is glaring at Thusia with her hands on her hips. "Where were you? We were looking for you." Izzy said to Thusia.

     Phaerille looks at Thusia with a frown. "You were not at the dunk tanks?" She asks. Thusia fidgets under his mother's frown, "I was there, I swear." Ashtin gives Thusia is a look that says you are not fooling anyone here, dude. Ashtin goes to open his mouth to say something when Phaerille interrupts him, "Really, you say so. Then why do you look so guilty? However, why are the rest of you late? It could not have just been because you were looking for Thusia. Also, Ashtin, why are you soaking wet." Ashtin grins and puts his hands up as if to say, wait a minute. Ashtin tells her, "There was a dunking tank contest, and if I did not fall from someone hitting the target, I would have won a prize. However, I won something else." He grins as he says this. "I convinced Izzy to go to the concert with me." Ekho looks shocked at the news of this.

     "Izzy did you. That is great. I knew you would turn around sooner or later." Ekho walks over to Izzy and gives her a side hug. "You will enjoy yourself. I know it." Izzy lets out a sigh, "I will rather be dead than go with him, but I said I would if he took a bath. So here we are." Izzy ran her hand through her hair as she always does when she is annoyed. Izzy stomped her foot. Ekho picks up her picnic basket as she says, "Now Izzy, that enough. You have to learn to deal with things. Besides, maybe it is not so bad. You never know until you try. You may like going to the concert, and you might even enjoy yourself. However, let get lunch out of the wagon and go find a picnic spot to eat it at." As Ekho heads towards the large doors of the baking hall, everyone starts following behind her. The sun is bright, and the birds are singing. It is such a wonderful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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