Coffee shop - Jensoo | Part One

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Summary (skip if you want)
Jennie is a CEO of a designer brand 'Ruby Jane' or 'RJ' and Jisoo is a famous twitch streamer. Lisa and Chaeyoung are good friend with them both and own a coffee shop together that also sells baked goods.

No One's P.O.V

"She's such a-ughh" Jennie in a frustrated manner. "Calm down Jennie, just ignore her." Chaeyoung advised and slid her coffee over to her.

"Thanks" Jennie muttered still not calm as she took a sip. "Sorry know" Jennie looked down at the table.

"Don't worry 'bout it Jen. Oh! Me and Lisa got you something special, I know you've been extra busy lately with sales and other business shiz so we got something for your visit, wait here I'll go get you some!"

Jennie stared in confusion at her best friend as she ran off to the kitchen coming back put in a flash with a medium sized ice cream cup.

Jennie's face lit up and a big gummy smile appeared on her face as Chaeyoung gave her the ice cream. "Thank you!" Jennie said like a happy child as she ate the milk ice cream.

"Oh shoot! Thank you for the coffee and Ice cream, I have a meeting in like 10 mins" Jennie stood up rushing to put her blazer on.

before she left the store she gave chaeyoung whatever money she had in her pocket "Jennie! You gave me a 50 again" Chaeyoung exclaimed as Jennie walked out the door saying "uh sorry?"

"Aish that girl"

"It's funny how Jennie Unnie is an introvert who hates attention but somehow manages to gain it from everyone" Lisa said from the counter.

"I know. Hey Unnie" Chaeyoung greeted Jisoo who waved "this is amazing" She muffled out from her stuffed mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full"


"Feed me I'm hungry" Jisoo came to the counter where her friend stood.

"Um hello?" Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Oh right hello, feed me now..please" Jisoo jumped up so she was sat on the counter.

"Unnie! Now I'm gonna have to clean the counter" Lisa whined.

"Great now feeeeed meeee. I didn't have breakfast because you forced me to come here early and I forgot to eat last night, I'm literally starving"

"Fine" Lisa scoffed "let me get you something filling" she opened the case behind the counter that lead to the many display food that people pick if they want (like Greggs) she picked a random one placing it on a tissue and handing it to Jisoo.

"Where's chaeng?" Jisoo asked and took a bite "wow this is delicious!"

"Thanks, she's with Jennie over there"

Jisoo looked to see Chaeyoung and a woman who she thought looked like a dumpling sat opposite eachother at a table.

"Oh I don't think I've met her before. Who is she?"


"I know you told me that but like you know? Yeah"


"What? What was we talking about?" Jisoo asked confused.

"Aish how are you so good at video games when you can't even remember our conversation" Lisa sighed.

Jisoo zoned out into food land and only snapped back when Chaeyoung came over.

"I know, hey Unnie"

Jisoo waved and tried to say "This is amazing" but her mouth was full so it came out muffled.

"Don't talk with your mouth full"

Chaeyoung patted Jisoo's back as she choked.

"I think your making it worse" Jisoo's mouth was empty because the food was now stuck in her windpipe.

After recovering Jisoo looked at her watched and said "I need to get going now I have a stream scheduled in and hour, gotta get everything set up. Can I take a cheese and onion pasty??"

"Yeah of course you can Unnie"

"No starve"

Chaeyoung and Lisa said at the same time.

Chaeyoung slapped Lisa's arm and got a pasty giving it to Jisoo who gave them money for both the pasty and what she got before.

"You know Unnie I still don't understand why you and Jennie Unnie pay. You both are the whole reason we managed to open this place."

"And? Me paying helps you guys out more I'm a customer after all, who cares if you know me. You could know Gerald from down the street doesn't mean he doesn't have to pay does it"

"You know someone called Gerald??"

"I don't think that's the point Lis"

Jisoo just left them to argue and slowly walked to the door which opened before she could open it.

"Oh hey neighbour"

"Hey Gerald, how are you on this fine day?"

"I'm doing good. I was craving something sweet and remembered you telling me to visit this place sooo.. here I am"

"I'm glad you came. They have the best pasties trust me. I need to get going but make sure to try the Nutella pastie it's beautiful"

"Alright I'll make sure to. Have a good'un"

"You too Gerald, cya"

Jisoo left the store and hopped on her bike heading towards home.

To be continued......

Random One-shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora