Chapter 12

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F/F- Fast Food


People scream and flee, heading to safety. Blast and metal clashing is what I hear all around me. And fear is what I'm feeling as I head to Lord Garmadon's base in the hand of a Shark Mech.

"Help! Somebody! Help!" I screamed, trying to get out of the Shark Mech's grip on me.

I can't believe that Cole left me and didn't even bother helping me.

"I wonder what the Lord, himself, do to you. Oh! I know, make you his slave" The girl laughed.

"The Secret Ninja Force will come and stop you and Lord Garmadon. So let me go before you get your ass kicked!" I demanded.

The girl stopped heading and bring me closer to her, "You know what? You should die because Lord Garmadon doesn't need a loudmouth like you"

She then bring the giant saw near me, ready to cut my head off. I started to swarm, trying to get out from the hand but the more I move, the more the crazy psycho lady tighten the grip of me.

Please! Someone help me! I don't wanna die yet. I still have to marry Harry Styles or Tom Hiddleston.

The psycho laugh in amusement, excited to see me get cut off. And when I thought today is my last day on earth, something metal crash to the Robot Shark Mech.

It made the mech drop me, and I immediately move away. And my very eyes, I see the Earth Ninja's Mech fighting the Shark Mech.

When the Mech is down, the Earth Mech put his robot hand down.

"Climb on, I'm taking you to the school" Said the Earth Ninja.

"And I thought today is my last day on Earth" I joked and climb on the hand.

"I would leave you here if you want to die" The ninja jokingly suggested.

"Heck no. I'm too young to die" I replied.

The Earth Ninja just laughed and head to the direction of the school. And on the way there, I've seen way so much Shark Mech. I'm surprised that the Secret Ninja Force are able to defeat the Shark Mechs. I seriously wonder who are the people behind the masks.

When we reached the school, I went down from the hand.

"Stay here until the attack is over, okay?" The Earth Ninja

"Wait, my friends, they might be in danger or something" I said.

"Don't worry, me and my team will save them, for now, stay here until everything is safe"

I nodded and I thanked,"Thank you, for saving me"

"Anytime. Next time I save you, Imma take you out to dinner" The Earth Ninja said.

Did he just say... DINNER???

I soon started to blush when he said that.

The Ninja chuckled and heard a crash just a few miles from where we are.

"Gotta go. See ya" He then head to where the crash is and soon help his other teammates to defeat Garmadon's Army.

As for me, I only stood where I am. Still blushing and processing what just happened.

Did he literally try to ask me out to dinner or something?


Monday soon arrived and for once, the attack by Lord Garmadon was on the news.

"The attack of Lord Garmadon yesterday has brought fear among the citizens of Ninjago, fearing that maybe one day, he might have a devastating plan to rule Ninjago" The news anchor, Lady Gossip said.

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