Chapter 16

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( 3 Years later)

(?? Pov)

I woke up breathing heavily. I sigh... Those dreams again... Well- i don't think that they are dreams... They feel more like.... Memories. Important memories that i lost.

I always wondered what were those memories. Those blur faces that seemed to be very important. One day he i will get it back. Maybe. UGHH FOR FUCK SAKE WHY-

A knocked was heard "Mr kim. Its time to wake up your dad is waiting for you downstairs" a maid said. I lazily got out of bed rubbing my eyes.

"Coming!" i said entering my bathroom. Whipe brushing my teeth i tried remebering the dream i got. I see...... Two people? Iy seems like i was really happy with them. But their faces are blur. And there are also other peoples... OH FUCK IT I GIVE UP.

After brushing my teeth i took a bath and wore my clothes before heading downstairs. You must be wondering why i can't remember anything? Well it is because 3 years a go i got into a car accident and lost all my memories from before.

But my dad said i will get it back. Well i hope it is soon because those dreams are becoming pretty annoying. I AM THIS CLOSE TO LOOSE MY SHITS-

calm down calm down.


I hate life.

I finally entered the dinning room to see my dad eating while reading the news paper. "Morning dad!" i kissed his cheek before sitting down and digging in the food. I moaned at good the food is. It is always delicious.

"Morning son." i smiled at him and continued eating my food.

"So what are you going to do today son?" Dad asked glancing at me before going back to his reading

"Oh well i am going to meet with bogum then i will be performing tonight." he sighed heavily lookimg at me and i internally rolled my eyes. Here we go again.

"Son you do know i do not like it when you perform in this club. With all those drunk man something could happen to you" he stared at me with concerned.

"Dad... Don't worry hmm? I will be fine. I have been performing there for more than a year now. I know damn well how to protect myself. Plus who would hurt the son of the number one mafia boss of America." yes. My dad is a mafia boss. And i am kind of his right hand. It's fun doing this job. But what i also love is performing.

My dad sighed defeated before nodding. I smiling at him and went back to my food.

After eating i made my way out of the mansion and went to my car. I drove to the nearby coffee shop where bogum and me meet most of the time.

Who is bogum you would ask?

Well he is my boyfriend for 1 year and a half now. He is a complete sweetheart and takes care and love me. I vibe to the music playing as i drove there. After 15 minutes i finally arrived and parked my car. It is very sunny today... Maybe i could ask him if we could go to the park?

I entered the coffee shop and immediately spotted him at our usual spot. I walked to him "Hyung!" He looked up and smiled at me "Hey princess" i smiled softly at him and bent down a little pecking his lips before taking a seat infront of him.

"Did you already ordered?" i asked him and he nodded "how do you know what i wanted?" i joked as if i don't always take the same thing. He laughed before kissing my cheeks

"Strawberry cake with a strawberry milkshake and a chocolate cookie" he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before nodding.

"Hmm ok ok."

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