Chapter 22

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(No one's pov)

It's been two months ever since taehyung came back and the others couldn't ask for more. It was like their joy was back in their life. The one who would always lighten up the mood and calm down Jeongguk and Jungkook when they would get mad.

The one who would always have time to play and joke with jimin.

To read and talk with namjoon about things that the other call a different language.

To play video games with j hope and helps him choose and match clothes.

The one who would always cuddle and be the sleeping partner of yoongi.

The one to help Jin cook while listening to his dad jokes and laugh even though they are not funny.

The one who loves Jeongguk and Jungkook uncontrollably and would always show it and take care of them.

All of those little things they missed for 3 whole years. And now they got it back.

They cherish him so much.

And yet now.

A little too much for Taehyung.

Why would he see it like that, you would ask?

Well now,

Not only jungkook and jeongguk....

But now the others became possessive and wary... a little too much.

He wants to go out alone?

Never. It's too dangerous. Atleast one of the members needs to be with him

He wants to get a job?

No. What if something happens? It's too risky.

He wants to have some times alone in the house as they go to work?

Is he insane? They say. It's too dangerous. You know what happened last time they did.

And to be honest.

He was fed up.

He was not weak like last time.

He knows how to defend himself. He loves them. Yes. But they have been too much worried and possessive.

He has been used to go wherever he wants whenever he wants without boundaries.

That if someone wants to mess with him he just needs to kill them. End of problems. But bangtan aren't understanding this. Not at all. And it's pissing taehyung off. And he knows that at some point he will snap.

(Taehyung's pov)

Here I am in my room staring at myself in the mirror. GODDD I AM SO BORED. I WANNA GO OUT. BUT THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS WON'T LET ME.


they are really getting on my nerves. If I knew I would of need someone everytime I get out then I would of stayed in America with dad. He atleast wasn't stalking me everytime.


But I missed it here.

2 days after coming back I saw baekyun hyung, Chanyeol hyung and my baby Laila again. And how much I cried this day. My baby had grown up so much. She was crying so much yelling at me for leaving her and telling me how much she cried because of me.

I hugged her and apologized thousands of times as I kissed her cheeks. After sometimes she finally forgave me.

Baekyun and Chanyeol hyung gave me bone-crushing hugs and asked me millions of questions and I answered all. In the end they understood and cursed the living shit of my dad. We stayed together the whole day catching up and I was so happy.

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