Six: Regulus

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The next few weeks flew by; school was going good, and Reggie was happy when Christmas break came around. His parents had written him a letter saying that they were going to visit family for Christmas, and told him that he had to stay at school.
He had hoped that maybe Leo would stay at school too, but his parents made him go home. Sirius wasn't staying either; when Reggie had asked what he planned to do, he had said something about going to James's house, so that left Reggie all alone.
By Christmas Eve, he was already tired of being alone. He sat in the Slytherin Common room, wrapped in a big blanket and holding Neige. Almost everyone had left, including Constantine, who was one of the only friends, other then Leo, that Reggie had managed to make.
    Christmas Eve wasn't exactly the best day. When he woke up on Christmas, things weren't that better. He spent the day mostly in his dorm with Neige, who he had wrapped in a big Christmas bow.
    The next day was when things had started to get better. He woke up early, because he knew that Leo would be coming to school that day. Leo's parents didn't let him stay for Christmas, but they said he could go back to school early. Reggie put his hat and gloves on, and Neige followed him to the door.
    "Sorry, Neige," he said. "You have to stay here. He closed the door and left the dorms, went through the common room, and waited outside for Leo.
    Snow fell in small bursts, and he saw Leo walking up to the school, holding his bag.
    Leo gave a big smile and ran towards him. "Reggie! Hi!"
   "How was the train ride?"
    "Good!" Leo set his bad down. "What should we do?"
    "You should probably put your bag away."
    "Right." He grabbed the bag and quickly ran in to the school, set it down inside, then came back out. "I'll put it away later."
They looked around before deciding to have a snowball fight. Leo grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in the air, which made Reggie do the same. Neither of them really knew how to make a snowball, but they tried their best.
    This went on for a few hours, and Reggie finally sat down. "You win," he said, out of breath.
    Leo laughed and sat next to him. "We tied."
    Before Reggie could respond, something stopped him. He looked in to the school and saw a girl, about his age, sitting by a window in a hallway. She waved shyly, and he waved back.
"Don't be shy then," he called, motioning her over. He knew what it was like to be alone, and didn't want that for anyone else.
The girl jumped up and walked over to Reggie and Leo. He got up and put out his hand.
    "I'm Regulus Black," he said.
    The girl shook his hand. "Eve Wong."
"I'm Leo."
Eve smiled. She was very pretty, with dark hair and a nice smile.
"What house are you in?" Leo asked. "I'm a Hufflepuff. And Regulus is a Slytherin."
"Ravenclaw," she said, laughing. "Now all we need is a Gryffindor." She paused. "Your name is Regulus Black?"
"Are you related to Sirius Black?"
Reggie felt himself blush. "Yes," he mumbled. "That's my brother." He could only imagine what Sirius had done; probably pranked this girl, or was being annoying. "What did he do?"
"Oh, nothing. He just helped me find my way around school my first day."
"Sirius did? Sirius Black?"
"Yeah, he seems nice."
No words could exactly describe how surprised he was, so he just smiled.
"He's alright."
"My friend, Lily, knows him, too. She's a year older then us."
    Reggie remembered the red head girl he had seen around school. She never seemed very interested in Sirius or any of his friends, but sometimes he would see James talking to her.
    "Reggie! Catch!"
    Reggie turned his head, and Leo threw a snowball straight in to his face.
    Leo laughed and threw one at Eve too, which as far as Reggie knew was Leo's way of accepting Eves friendship.
    Eve glanced at Reggie and he smiled. They both grabbed some snow and threw it at Leo, who ran away laughing.
    Leo and Eve weren't exactly the Slytherins Reggie had thought he would be friends with, but they were just as good.

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