chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was helping decorate the hospital with the other kids, when I noticed Henry sitting next to one of the coma patients. I was about to ask what he was doing when I noticed a different one, a man with blonde hair. He looked so familiar, I walked over and sat next to him but I didn't take his hand. Mary Margaret noticed me staring at him and smiled" do you know him, Ms. Gold"

I looked over and shrugged" I have a feeling I do but I don't remember, what's his name?" I asked and she looked to see and frowned" no one knows, he's a John Doe " I frowned before getting up.

" is it okay, if I leave early" she smiled nodding. I grabbed my backpack and left the hospital, I ran to the pawn shop and Gold looked up as I came in." Rose, what are you doing here, your supposed to be in school."

" Ms. Blanchard let me leave early, we were volunteering at the hospital. Can I ask you something, about my parents" he frowned.

" why do you want to know"

" one of the coma patients he looked familiar to me but I don't know from where"

" when I took you in, Rose, you were a little girl who didn't understand the way the world worked, I took you in to protect you" he walked around the counter and over to me." Treated you like the child I lost, gave you everything within a limit, taught you to use the abilities you were gifted with"

" but I never wanted that, I just wanted my family"

" your family is gone, I killed them and they gave you up" without another word I left the store and went back to the hospital, I went over to the coma patient and was about to touch his hand when Henry appeared and stopped me." Don't, Rose" I looked at him.

" I need to know, Henry, and this is the only way"

" no its not" he pulled the book from us bag and flipped to a page. I looked at it confused" they gave you up to protect you, Rose"

" no, they gave me up because they had no choice, they couldn't stand having a daughter who was different" Henry handed me the book and told me to read it so I did.

When Abigail was 6 years old she fell off of a cliff and broke her neck.

I looked at Henry" I already know this, I was dead for an hour"

" keep reading" he sighed and I continued.

Her parents couldn't stand to see thier little girl in pain after she somehow magically survived with nothing, not even a scratch. They sent for the help of Rumpelstiltskin, who arrived that night. He agreed to help the little girl for a price, the freedom of thier little girl. He promised to keep her safe, neither of them knowing this was a lie

I looked at Henry " I already know this"

" keep reading, there's more"

They agreed and he gave her a fake potion, then sent both the parents far away and took Abigail to his castle. She begged him to let her go and he soon grew annoyed and locked her in the tower. While she slept Rumpelstiltskin worked on a way to use the girl. Over the next few months he taught her control but it was no easy task because she kept trying to run away.

He finally decided to just lock her door every night, while she thought this was to keep her from running away it was really to keep people away from her, because while she was immune to all magic, there was still one thing that could still hurt her, because like they always say Magic always comes with a price.

I gave henry the book back" I don't see what that was supposed to tell me"

" it tells that you that he wanted more then to help you" I looked at the clock.

" I have to go"then I got up and left.

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