chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I stood by the window at Granny's and Ruby came over to me." Looks bad out there" she pointed out and I nodded" I never liked rain" I mumbled and she frowned" how come"

" long story, I better go before it gets any worse" I pulled the hood of my jacket up before leaving. I was walking toward home I heard lighting and stopped closing my eyes." Just a storm, its just a storm" I mumbled and thunder rolled causing me to jump, lighting stuck the power line and I covered my head, letting out a scream. I was pulled into a memory and I fell to the ground.

Flash back 10 years before the curse.

A little girl was hiding under her bed curled into a ball with tears in her eyes. Lightning flashed and thunder shook the hut. A man with blonde hair came into the room and whispered" Abigail, what's wrong"

" I'm scared" he smiled at the little voice under the bed, before getting on his hands and knees to peak under the bed." Can I come in" she nodded and he crawled under with her." There nothing to be afraid of, Abby. Tell you what, I'll teach you a song to make it go away, okay" she nodded and he added but you have to come out from under the bed.

" no, the scary man will get me" he frowned

" what scary man?"

" the man outside the window"

" its your imagination, Abby, I'll show you" she crawled out and followed him outside and into the rain. The little girl looked around and frowned before looking at him." Can you teach me that song now, Papa" he smiled and picked her up.

Do you hear that sound

That sound in the distance,

Boom Boom Boom

That's not thunder, that's just a heartbeat

Beating for you

Do see that sight

The lights in the sky, that's the shine in your eyes

Reflecting for the whole world to see

The water falling from the sky

That's your tears, falling down from your eye

Don't let them see

Show them a smile

Hide your fear, hide it away,

tell them your not gonna cry

Because this little bear is not afraid

Of the sounds

Boom, boom, boom

Your not afraid of the lights in the sky

Because your not gonna cry

The little girl smiled and laughed, then she saw the rainbow and her smile got bigger.

" there's that smile" her dad whispered before taking her back inside.

Present time Storybrooke

I opened my eyes and smiled, before standing up and running home. When I got home, I ran upstairs. I looked outside and hummed the song while changing out of my wet clothes.

A few hours later the rain stopped and I ran downstairs as Gold's car pulled into the driveway.

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