╰┈➤ chapter 2

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╰┈➤ Reyn

A scowl persisted on Reyn's face. His frustration radiating from his features, he let out a long sigh. 

Reyn absolutely hated The Red Star pack. Sure, yes he was the alpha of that very pack, but dare he not ever acknowledge it as his own.

Crumpling one of the papers in the stack on his desk, he muttered aloud, "why is everything so damn screwed up?"

He was surprised the pack was even able to run properly. Lie upon lie, endless corruption, could he ever have a godamn break? The Red Star pack's so-called 'might' was pathetic, their infrastructure was completely messed up.

You would have thought, maybe the most powerful pack on the continent at least had decent management?

First, he had to stop a freaking war, which by the way, is more like a hiatus, because nobody really thinks it's over. He has to work on that.

And right after he deals with that shit, he finds a completely corrupt system of scumbags running the pack.

The power of 'authority' was something Reyn knew well of.

To be an 'authority' in the pack was to hold power over all others, and because of the completely unbalanced governing system, it was practically tyranny! Anyone assigned an official could do whatsoever they pleased as long as it was in the name of 'Red Star Glory'.

It was repulsive.

He scoffed, of course, such a horrendous pack would only have disgusting wolves as authorities. 

He knew this would be a tough job. Saving the world...isn't so easy.

At first, he thought he could simply destroy the entire pack from inside out. 

It wasn't that simple.

Almost all of Red Star territory was from other packs, and those other packs were still there. Living under this shit show of a government. 

This meant that literally, the majority of wolves in this pack were innocent, they were quite literally, captives of conquest.

Reyn couldn't just wreak havoc and destroy the lives of people who had not done anything wrong.

But then again, how else could he possibly get rid of the Red Star's undeniable presence? It wasn't as if he could just grant back packs their lands and liberate everyone! For multiple reasons, disbanding the pack was just not possible.

When he took the throne as alpha he had come to the decision that the only thing in his power was to halt the war and start the slow and painful process of uprooting the corruption.

And he was all alone.

It was at times like these he wondered why, why was it really that he wanted to do this? Was it his desire for revenge? Some kind of idiotic hero complex? 

Sometimes, he thought, it seemed as though it was simply his fate that led him to this point.

Although, there was much more to his story than 'fate'.

Reyn was smart. He knew how to play his cards. 

It was his own actions and decisions that had led him here.

He knew that.

And he was going to stand by it.

All of a sudden a loud bang of his office doors being slammed open captures his attention.

"Alpha Reyn!" A slim man shouted, bursting through the door.

"what?" the alpha replied with a tone of iciness and irritation.

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