Vibing with a farmer

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After the locking gaze between you and Bill ends, he dusts the fertilizer off his hands And turns around to walk away into his house. He closes the door behind him. You sit there in shock "what's going on, Why is he leaving?!?, Did I do something wrong?" You think. But just then he comes out with a big pink sparkly boom box! "Ready to boogie?!?" Bill Hollers from his porch. "You bet your mashed taters I am!" You reply jumping in the air. He does a belly flop off the porch and begins doing the worm. You cheer your new crush on as a flops around like a fishy. He stops his rather extravagant moves for a moment to turn on the radio."4th of July" by Aiden gallager starts blasting. You join bill and you both start jamming out . He does the sprinkler and you do the floss. And at the final note of the song bill does a backflip from the sidewalk to the roof of the house and does a split. You look at the majestic man on the roof. "He's the one" you say to yourself.

YO ITS ME THE AUTHOR! Hope you like this chapter it's really good, I am so proud of myself

Growing crops♡︎ - Bill green X readerWhere stories live. Discover now