The sunset

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      After the totally tubular jam out session, Bill chuckles while turning off the boombox. "You sure do have some hip moves for a farmer." You giggle while sitting down cris cross applesauce on the concrete sidewalk. Bill joins you. "I guess so..." he replies with a dazed tone to his voice. "Something on your mind?" You question. "Well Y/N...It's a little silly but...I used to take gymnastics when I was younger, but that's a dream I gave up a long time ago...". You notice him beginning to get quite upset and decide to give him some motivation! "Well you know what Bill?, I think your a spectacular gymnast! You need to be more confident in yourself!" You see a smile come onto the mans face. "Means a lot to hear that pal." He says while giving you a brotherly pat of the back. You feel yourself breakdown inside. "Pal!!!!" You think to yourself. Him saying this did have a toll on your mood but you decided to forget about it and enjoy the time you had with Bill. "Well Y/N it's been real nice "hanging" with ya! as the kids say these days. He laughed. But the sun is setting and I've gotta be inside before supper! Ma' never likes it when I'm late for her meals." "Wait before you go can I get your phone numb-". You get cut off "well I'm off!" The yellow man smiles while walking away and then eventually closing the door to his house. You manage to get one last glimpse of Bill through the window. "What a nice family man!" You exclaim while watching him hug his children. You wish you had talked to the farmer more and at-least got his home phone number. But you sadly didn't. Chances are you won't see this man again since your leaving Big City to go back to your hometown in Virginia. Or will you...

I don't know what im gonna do with this story yet-

Hey guys, it's the author! I'm so happy that my story is #1 on the bigcitygreens hashtag!!! THANK U ALL!! Also nobody comments on my stuff. Please do, I'm bored

Update: I'm now ranked 35 on bigcitygreens but that's still cool:)

Growing crops♡︎ - Bill green X readerWhere stories live. Discover now