Chapter 1

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*first person*

Today's the day!! I finally get to go to camp! I've been waiting an entire school year!

Hello, I'm Athena Polanski and I love everything cute. I mean look at my room!

 I mean look at my room!

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I know, it looks huge. My dad owns his own business and my mom stays at home. But it's been so boring! But today I, Athena Rose Polanski, get to go to Camp Cute. It's a camp filled with everything kawaii. A total dream come true.

*third person*

Athena grabs two suitcases off her shelf. While reaching to grab them (because she's short), she slips on her socks and tumbles to the ground. "Oww, that hurt!" She exclaims while rubbing her head. She finally manages to get her suitcases and sets them down. "Hmm..what to take.." she thinks for a moment. A light bulb appears over her head.

*time skip*

"Oh my! It looks like you're moving out!" Exclaims a middle aged looking woman. She has long brown hair and soft, somber hazel eyes. "Oh, mother! Yeah, but it's three months! I have to be prepared!" Athena says while walking over to her mother. The older woman smiles and chuckles a little at her teenage daughters response. "Here, I brought some tea and biscuits." Her mother says while gently placing a silver tray down on a table, careful not to spill any tea.

"Thank you mother, are you feeling better today?" Athena looks at her mother, examining her frail body and boney face. "Well, I can't say I'm feeling worse than yesterday, so I would say yes, I'm feeling much better today."

Her mother sits down next to Athena and moves a small strand of hair out of her daughter's face. "I love you mom! So much!" Athena says while going in for a hug, careful as to not hurt her mother. "I love you too darling, please be careful and have fun." Athena stands and helps her mother up. "Your father should be home soon to drive you to camp. Are you ready?" Her mother looks up. A small glimpse of sorrow and miss cover her soft hazel eyes.(A/n: look at me being descriptive 😌✨)

"I'm ready to go, and don't be sad mother. I'll be fine and I'll write to you everyday." Athena grabs her mother's weak hands and holds them with her own soft ones. "How could you tell I was sad?" Her mother laughed lightly. Athena has always been good at telling emotions, simply by looking at their eyes.

The door opens and the teenage girl runs out of her room in excitement. "Father!!" She jumps into her dads arm and hugs him tightly. "Woah there bug, I almost can't breath. What are you so excited for?" Her dad joked and set her down. "Cmon dad! You know what today is!" Athena stomps her foot a little and goes back to get her bags.

Her mother walks out and greets her husband. "I see you're walking today, that's a good sign but don't you think you should be resting still?" The man holds his fragile wife close and looks down at her weak body. "Yes but I need to be strong, it's a big day for Athena and I don't want to be stuck lying in bed the whole time!" The wife emphasizes. "I always loved your stubbornness."

The man kisses his wife's forehead and Athena walks out hauling two large bags behind her. "Finally, let's go!"

A/n: thank you so much for reading and sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes but it's almost midnight and I'm trying. I really hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to write more! Also sorry if this was short!

Stay safe my bubbles! :)
Peace out,

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