Chapter 5

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*Asher POV* (warning a little sad)

Leo ran into the cabin looking nervous and embarrassed.

"What happened with you?" He sighed and went straight to the bathroom. I looked straight at Nathaniel and he simply gave me a shrug and turned back to his book.

From the looks of it, he was reading Harry Potter (obviously not my book). He came back out and turned the lights out.

"Uhm..excuse me." Nathaniel said, irritated that Leo interrupted his reading time. I swear, it's like he had a whole library. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. My mind started wandering.

Some of the people at this camp..let's see. There's that Gypsy girl..not much to say about her. Hmm..Monica..that girls seems annoying.

That's when it hit me.


She seems so sweet. I saw her at the role call. Her long brown hair and shimmering blue eyes. The way her voice dances in the air, like a feather falling.

There was a knock at the door.

"You good? You've been in there for a while.." Nathaniel sat on the other side. The sound of his voice was concerned. He probably saw my face when Leo came in.

"Yeah..just washing my face.." I turned and opened the door and walked out. Nathaniel stepped out of the way and watched as I passed by. We turned the lights out and it seemed everyone went to bed sad.

I felt so alone and homesick. I miss my sweet old Mimi and my dear twin sister. I'll come home soon Ashley. Tears formed in my eyes. I turned to make sure Leo and Nathaniel were asleep.

I know I could trust them but it's still embarrassing. I reached to a secret area behind a cubby next to my bed and pulled out a small stuffed frog. My mother gave it to me as a gift before she left.

I was only five and I thought she was going to come back. Everyday it seemed I was glued to the door waiting for her return. Mimi would always cry when she saw me but I always thought she was excited to see mom again.

Tears fell from my eyes and onto the small frog. Even though it was stuffed it still held so much life and love inside it. My eyes closed and I drifted off to a place where happiness stays.

*Junora POV*

I felt a tap. Then a nudge. Then a push. Then a shove. I shot up, about to beat whatever was disturbing my beauty sleep.

"EXCUSE ME!!" I yelled in Athena's face. I gasp slightly and immediately felt bad.

"I'm sorryyyy..." I start tearing up. I felt horrible for yelling.

"It's ok, wanna get a breakfast sandwich with me?"

My tears dried immediately and I hopped out of bed.

"Duh" we walked out and went to the food court. I got my breakfast sandwich.
I usually get mine toasted with strawberry jelly, cinnamon, and cream cheese. Athena told me to try something new though.

I ended up going with a sandwich the scrambled eggs, bacon, and toasted ham. I took a bite.

"Oh my chocolate chip cookie."

*Athena POV*

I swear on a holy snickerdoodle I saw stars appear in Junora's eyes. I told her to try a different sandwich and as soon as she took a bit she was hooked. I giggled and started eating my sandwich.

"Don't think I forgot."

Oh no.

"So, what's this with Leo?" She looked up at me. I knew this was serious.

She put her sandwich down.

"I- uhm..I d-don't fully know.." I couldn't think of the words.

"Do you like him?"
"I mean..yeah."
"Then great! He clearly likes you back."
"But I just met him..I can't like someone I just met..."

Junora looked down for a moment.

"Yeah you can. Love at first sight."

I paused for a moment.

"But I can't..I don't know how a relationship works..what if I'm a bad girlfriend? Isn't it too soon?"

" don't you just learn on the way how things work? I thought it was different for everyone."

"You also think bacon comes from chickens.."

She slammed her tiny hands on the table and gave me an annoyed look.

"Listen here Miss. 'bacon come from pigs', you tell me I'm wrong and I'll go tell Leo you were awake."

Miss girl-.


She smiled and finished her sandwich. We threw our trash away and started walking to the lake.

Hmm...maybe I should wait for Leo. It is's only day two.

A/n: thank you so much for reading! I had massive writers block but luckily it only lasted like..two hours lol. But thank you again and I really hope you enjoyed. I'll try to show more of Nathaniel. Also sorry if this was a sad chapter but yeah.
Stay safe my bubbles!
Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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