Chapter 4

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*third POV*

Leo gently picked Athena up and carried her bridal style to her cabin. He overheard she was in cabin 7 so he walked the way there.

Once he made it he gently shifted Athena to his back. She stirred a little in her sleep. He grabbed the key from Athena's pocket and opened the door.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Leo called out. There was no response. He came across a note.

'Hey Athena. Junora and I are going down to the food court. We'll be back shortly.'

He continued walking and had to assume which area was hers and saw a familiar face. A picture with Athena in it and what Leo assumed was her parents. He laid her down on the bed.

*Leo POV*

Careful. Don't wake Athena up. Once she was laid down. I was about to walk away. An idea came across me. A crazy idea. I took a deep breath. I can do this.

*third person*

Leo turned around walked back over. He took a final deep breath , bent down and placed a small peck on Athena's forehead. He blushed immediately and tan out of the room. Right as he was about to get out two faces showed up.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in our cabin?" The older girl asked.

"I-I uhm..A-Athena fell a-asleep and so I c-carried her back h-here."

The small girl grabbed my hand and pulled me down. She whispered slightly in my ear "I saw you kiss her, so you like her or something?" I look back at the girl. Her long silvery blue hair draped over her shoulders. Two band aids covered her knees.

I think I can trust this kid.

"Yes but don't say anything please."

There was silence.

I panicked and then I heard:

"Perfect! I was hoping I could play matchmaker this summer!"

I became dumbfounded. This little girl just said she was going to play matchmaker. I hope Athena won't hate me after this.

"Well I should go...bye." I say almost bolting out the cabin. It took a deep breath. I'll be ok.

I walk back to my cabin. It was dark out so I put my pajamas on. My cabin mates, Asher and this kid Nathaniel were looking at me weirdly. "What happened with you?"

"Nothing." I sigh and lie down. I got ready for bed and Athena couldn't seem to leave my mind. Her skin was so soft. I wish I could just hold her. And of course that little girl saw me kiss her. I really hope she won't blab about anything.

*Athena's POV*

HE KISSED ME!!! I don't remember much but I fell asleep and then what felt like seconds later I woke up on Leo's back. He was probably just taking me back to the cabin but it felt nice in his arms so I pretended to be asleep.

Then when he laid me down he walked away and I was sad then he came back and kissed me. It took so much for me to do smile or gasp or anything. I like Leo? How? I just met him.

Ohh but he's so sweet. Even though he's so..depressed..he still won't leave my mind. His heart seems so cold and locked up. I pray I can crack him open this summer.

I hear Sakura and Junora walk by my bed. Junora jumped up and told me all about dinner.

"We had some amazing sandwiches!! Mine had peanut butter and strawberry jam and I had cookies, and brownies, and even more sandwiches, and some scones." She said all in one breath. She was catching her breath for a moment and that's when Sakura dropped in.

"It's late Junora, I know dinner was really good but it's time for bed."

"Awww but I wanna stay up and talk to Athena..there's something we need to talk about." Junora turned and gave me a smirk. A coat of blush covered my cheeks.

"No, you can talk tomorrow. Go get ready for bed."

"Fine, but you better sleep with one eye open..I can't promise you'll wake up with a clean bunk tomorrow." Junora spat while walking to her bunk. She crawled in and cuddles with her stuffed otter.

"Goodnight ATHENA." She said with emphasis on my name.

"Goodnight Junora.." I responded while getting ready for bed myself. Sakura scoffed and rolled her eyes while crawling into her bunk. We exchanged goodnights and turned the lights out.

Day one and I already think I've fallen for someone.

A/n: thanks for reading..sorry if this seemed rushed but my friend demanded the next chapter because I kinda got her hooked. But I really hope you enjoyed!
Stay safe my bubbles!
Peace out!

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