Chapter 3

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*Leo POV*

I can't say I'm happy that we're at camp but the bus was getting a little uncomfortable. But I liked sitting next to Athena. They are calling out cabins and they said that girls don't mix with boy which is obvious but I really hope I see Athena more. I look over and see another girl with pinkish brown hair and green eyes. She looks annoyed. I wonder why...

*Athena POV*

That bus ride was nice. Me and Leo didn't really talk but it wasn't an awkward was nice. Like we both knew what we were thinking and we didn't need words. They were assigning everyone to cabins and I got cabin 7. The girl with pinkish brown hair..Monica..I think it was, looked upset.

"Ugh!! Of course I get stuck in cabin 6 with a bunch of losers!!" She yelled. Great. A bully and it's only the first day of camp. Two other girls were by her and they looked like twins. They seemed so sweet and here she was calling them losers. Why would she think that?

 Why would she think that?

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(The twins)

I walk over to my cabin and as soon as I open the door a little girl lunges at me and tackles me into a hug. "You're here! You're here! You're here!!" Her light airy voice sounds so excited.

"Hello. I'm Athena, who are you?" I sit up and set her next to me so I can stand up. "My name is Junora! That's my older sister Sakura!" She points to another girl who looks my age. She rubs her arm and chuckles looking embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for her, she's super excited.." she takes her sister's hand takes her inside. I bring my things inside and the room is amazing! I've seen their rooms before but none of them looked this good!

 I bring my things inside and the room is amazing! I've seen their rooms before but none of them looked this good!

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(Ok so imagine this but bigger, with galaxy decorations,or a different decoration type, and with a third bed. I couldn't find anything so here :)

"Isn't she a little young to be at this camp? I thought there was an age restriction." I turned and looked back at the little girl who had gone back to her area of the room and picked up what looked like two dolls.

"Yeah but our mom became really good friends with the owner and we go to this camp because my mom started having to go on business trips and couldn't take us." Sakura turned and sat at her desk and went back to what she was doing.

*time skip*

I spent an hour unpacking all my stuff. At least it looks neat but I'm starving. Hmm..I wonder what they have at the food court..

*Leo POV*

I unpacked all my stuff. There wasn't much but I hope it'll last me till the end of the summer. I'm really hungry, I really wish I didn't have to go alone but I'm going to get food. Maybe I'll even see Athena there.

*third person*

Athena makes her way down to the food court.
"Hey wait! You with the brown hair!" A voice calls out. Athena turns around to the voice and sees the twins from earlier looking right at her and walking up to her.

"Your name is Athena, right?" The girl with brown eyes asks. "Sure is! Was there something you need?" Athena asks politely with a big smile. "Yes actually, do you wanna be our friend?" The girl with blue eyes responds. Both girls are right in her face and she thinks for a moment. "Sure but could you back up a little? You're really close to my face.."

The girls back up and introduce themselves "I'm Molly." The girl with blue eyes says. "And I'm Holly." The girl with brown eyes says after. Athena smiles and turns around to start walking. "I'm Ath-" she bumps into someone and falls to the ground. The twins gasp and help her up as she's rubbing her head.

Athena looks at who she bumped into and sees a familiar black haired boy. "Oh..Leo. Are you ok?" Athena goes to help him up. Molly pulls her back. "No! Don't help him up! He should've watched where he was going!" She said as she started to drag Athena and Holly away.

Athena saw the gloomed look and Leo's face. She softly pulled away from Molly's grip. "No, I should've watched where I was going. It wasn't his fault." Athena turned back and helped Leo up. He smiled back at her.

"Well, I mean, still!" Molly was at a loss for words. Her and Holly both walked off, upset that they embarrassed themselves. 'Sheesh, not even a full day with Monica and they already seem like bullies..' Athena thought. She turned back to Leo as they stood there. Leo's face looked like a tomato and her face was coated with a light blush as well.

" you wanna grab a snack or something..?" Athena asked trying to save things from being super awkward. "S-sure.." Leo responded nodding slightly. They both walked and grabbed some cookies. "I saw a really pretty fountain. Do you wanna go sit there instead?"

Leo nodded slightly. Not trusting his voice after being asked my a pretty girl to sit somewhere else. Just them.

*Leo POV*

She asked me to sit at the fountain with her!! Is this a date? Wait- I'm not ready! I don't look good. Is this even a date? Gosh, so many thoughts and questions surrounding my head. She starts walking off assuming I'm following so I quickly catch up to her.

My face is burning. We make it to the fountains and I take a seat next to her. I feel like I can't breath. This is a little awkward. But she's so pretty. And she's like four inches shorter than me so it's like a cute pillow I just wanna hug her.

Athena turns her head to me. "So, what all are you interested in?" It's obvious she's trying to make small talk. "I-uhm..I really l-like reading.." why did I have to stutter?

"Ooh! What kind of books do you like?" I was so focused on her soft blue eyes it took me a moment to respond. "O-oh, uhm I like all kinds of books..I guess." Athena softly hums in response and looks out at the lake. The sun was setting and out of the corner of my eye I see her yawning.

I look back at the lake. The silence wasn't awkward was..calming. I felt something hit the top of my arm near my shoulder and quickly turn my head. There she is, Athena, with her head softly resting on my arm. Soft snores come from her. She's so peaceful, I can't wake her up.

I hope no one sees this..

A/n: look at me I am on a role! Three chapters written today and I plan on writing more because again I'm going on vacation so I'm trying to get more chapters in. Plus I have nothing to do- but I really hope you enjoyed this! I wanna make this a whole emotional roller coaster so if you have any ideas of what to do then suggest them and I'll take a look!
Stay safe my bubbles!
Peace out

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