Chapter 1

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She sat at the lunch table by herself, she was tired and exhausted from working the day before but she knew she wouldn't be allowed to take breaks.

It had been about 3 days since she really even closed her eyes, the closest thing she got to sleep was blinking and that didn't do much.

Her lack of sleep have reflected on her grades all throughout her life, she was worked to exhaustion and then worked some more. She wished and had expected her body to have been used to this by now but her body still hadn't adapted to this kind of living.

She guessed it was because her body naturally wanted to help her and get her the sleep and rest she needed but she simply couldn't, she wasn't allowed that privilege, she had to work and if she didn't, there would be consequences.

During lunch you would expect she would have a little down time to rest or to at least relax but actually it's the other way around. She has to do her homework during lunch or try to improve her grades during that time.

She has to keep moving whether she is exhausted or not. She can't stop or else she will have to face consequences that she doesn't want.

She continued to work, not knowing that she was on the verge of collapsing. She felt as if her body was going to fall and die, she could hardly move anymore she was so exhausted.

She had finally finished all of her homework and class work and was about to head out of the cafeteria or at least thats what she wanted.

She was stopped by her childhood friends, Reiner and Bertholt, she wanted so desperately to push them out of the way but she had no energy to.

So, she just walked past them feeling herself start to lose consciousness, she started to panic. Her body finally couldn't take much more, exhausting itself and not getting a second of rest. Working all day and night, her body couldn't do it and neither could she, but she had to and she would.

Her vision got more blurry every step she took, she tried her best to fight it but her body won the battle. One by one, her body began to shut down, everything that was once in her hands dropped to the floor making a loud slap causing heads to fly towards her, then her eyes and mind went blank. And finally her legs gave out causing her to fall for the cafeteria ground.

"ANNIE" Reiner and Bertholt yelled running towards her unconscious body. The once loud cafeteria was now so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Their other friend group that they were sitting with before they went to talk to Annie consisted of Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, and Jean, plus them two. The whole group ran up to Reiner and Bertholt asking what they could do to help.

Reiner picked up Annie and put her on his back while Bertholt picked up anything that she dropped when she passed out. "Uhh could you guys make sure that the trash she dropped makes it in the trash can, thanks." Reiner says hurriedly trying to hurry and make his way to the infirmery.

The group of friends started to clean the area in which Annie fell in when Mikasa found something that looked important, "I think Bert left something of hers over here so I'm going to bring it to them."

She ran out the cafeteria and made her way  towards the infirmery, she was going to enter when she overheard, "We swore to her mom that we would look after her and we failed. Her body is fatigued and exhausted and now that's why she has collapsed and there is no possible way her dad is going to allow her to take a break to recover. What are we going to do, Reiner?"

"I don't know Bertholt, but we have to figure something out or we could lose one of our best friends or even ourselves."

Mikasa didn't fully understand what was going on but she got the gist and it wasn't great. She had decided she had done enough eavesdropping and ran into the infirmary acting as if she ran all the way here.

You saved me(Mikannie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang