Chapter 6

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Mikasa helped Annie out of bed since she hadn't used her legs in a couple days. Annie was happy to be getting out of this hospital but she could already feel her exhaustion coming back just from thinking of the upcoming events.

Mikasa being the greatest girlfriend she is, noticed her change in emotion and expression and reassured her, "Annie don't worry Reiner, Bertholt, and Eren are working your shift today. Today it will just be the two of us."

Mikasa could hear Annie's sigh of relief as her once tensed shoulders finally relaxed. Annie went to pick up all her belongings and the two of them made it to the front desk to check out.

The doctors gave Annie her prescription medicine and then the two were out the door. Mikasa lead Annie to her car that she had drove there with. Mikasa helped Annie into the car which of course Annie protested against even if she did need the help.

Mikasa got in the car and drove towards her parents house. When she got out, Annie didn't. Annie actually looked petrified, "Annie what's wrong? If you're worried about my parents don-."

Annie cut Mikasa off, "Thats not the problem, seeing your house made me realize that I haven't been home in 3 days, which means my dad will be pissed when I finally do make it home and will probably take his anger out on me physically."

"Then stay here, you don't need to go back home."

Annie looked at Mikasa like she was crazy, "I would never do that, it might not look like it but I'm incredibly shy and bad with people." 'Oh I know, it's adorable' Mikasa gushed in her head.

"Also, how are we supposed to put my father in prison if I don't go home? Whether I like it or not I'm going to have to go through the worst to get to the best."

Mikasa was conflicted, Annie was correct. The longer she stayed away from home, the worse the punishment could be but Mikasa didn't want her to go and walk into her doom. She has to come up with something.

"Annie I don't know if you'll agree but I have a plan, we will work your jobs for the rest of the week and on payday you will go back home. It will seem as if you came alone even though we have already surrounded the house. If your father is who I think he is whether you came with money or not, you not being home would make him want to abuse you as he has.

This is the part where I really need your input, your father will most likely beat you badly leaving you in the hospital again but we would have it all on camera and report him. If he tries to do anything we will protect you 3 along with each other. Are you okay with this plan?"

Mikasa could see Annie that Annie was searching through her thoughts for an answer. 'My father will beat me so bad I'll need medical attention but they would get it on video and report him so I won't go through this again.'

"I-I have come to a decision and that is that I will go through with the plan. Just please be there when he is done, I'm always alone and left on the floor until the next day when Reiner and Bertholt find me bloodied on the floor."

"I will always be there for you and I will make sure that your father ends up in prison." Mikasa stated.

Annie smiled softly at her and they pulled each other into a hug before they both fully got out the car. They held hands as they approached the door and knocked. To their surprise Eren opened the door, "You're supposed to be working today, why aren't you working?" Mikasa panicked.

"Don't worry Jean took over today because I heard Annie was going to be discharged today and I wanted to be here when she arrived but you guys took tears to get here." Eren laughed.

Mikasa hit the back of his head and escorted Annie into their house, "Do you want anything like a drink or snack?" Mikasa asked.

Annie shook her head, "I'd just like to take a nap, so can I just go to that chair and take a nap?"

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