Chapter 7

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"Those kids are going to be the death of us. Why do they think they can handle this all on their own?" Grisha argued.

"I don't know, they said they needed her consent to tell us which is even more of a reason to tell us because why is that secret so protected?" Carla said.

"This just means that when she wakes up, we will ask her for the information."

They agreed with each other and went to their room. They would get the information that night whether Eren and Mikasa liked it or not. The poor girl was screaming for help, what parents would they be if they just sat there and watched?

Mikasa and Eren sat together in Mikasa's room, Eren decided he would hang out with them instead of going to his own room. Mikasa wanted to push him out but she decided against it and allowed him in.

Mikasa was only planning to watch Annie sleep, so the environment was kinda awkward. Eren had to think quick before he died of the awkwardness. "Mikasa, Do you think our plan will still work out? I mean if mom and dad find out they might do something completely rash like, getting the cops immediately which would be helpful if her father wasnt threatening everyone she knows and loves. We don't really even know who he is or what kind of ties he has with the rest of the Leonhart family.

He could very well send people after all of us especially Annie because she seeked out help."

Mikasa sighed, why did she allow Annie to sleep downstairs? She should had continued to push Annie towards her bed. Now they were dealing with the consequences.

"You're right but even so, our parents might beg to differ and try to call the cops making a loud scene. We need to do this very stealthy, we cant be loud and risk one of us dying and our parents need to understand that but not without her consent and she is sleeping right now."

Eren agreed with her, their parents wouldn't go quiet with a situation like this. They would most likely actually spread the word and let everyone in the neighborhood know about this and then they will be concerned and try to call the cops but they could all be dead by then because of all the ruckus.

"This is so exhausting and frustrating to even think about. How does Annie continue to put up with this?" Eren sighed.

"Its because she is strong willed and will not let her life's outcome be determined by her father." Mikasa said caressing Annie's check.

Eren nodded his head and sat back, the only thing they could do is wait for Annie to wake so they could talk.

They sat for an hour and a half waiting for Annie to wake up. When she woke she jumped up, huffing and breathing out as if she had just ran 10 miles. "Hey Annie, you doing alright now?" Mikasa asked. Annie turned her head over to Mikasa and dropped her head into her lap, apparently her head was aching.

"Annie, I know you just told us that your head hurts and this might make it even worse but would you be fine if our parents knew about your relationship with your father? They tried to get it out of us when you started screaming out but we stayed strong and wouldn't tell them without your consent.

We just really don't want them to go around telling others your business or going to the cops who will turn on their loud sirens and show up to a most likely empty house."

Annie groaned and Mikasa felt wet tears on her lap, Annie was crying. "Ann, are you alright?"

"I just really want this to be over, so I don't have to worry about who knows what or what someone else has done to mess everything up, not saying that you guys have its just tiring." Annie whimpered.

Mikasa pulled Annie close to her and held her while she eyed Eren to go get her some water. When he left, she pulled Annie's head up to give her a soft kiss on the lips.

You saved me(Mikannie)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang