Chapter 5

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She ran down the hallway trying to find her mother, she had just had the worst day at school. Middle school just wasn't for her. She checked her parents room, the kitchen, and the living room, the only place left for her to check for her mother was the study which her mother was already in.

She wanted to surprise her mother, so she quietly snuck into the room. As soon as she was about to jump up she saw it, her mother's body all bloodied up and broken.

She stood there confused and baffled as if she were in a trance, "Mom is this some type of joke? If it is I'm not laughing. You can come out now." Annie chuckled a little bit.

She walked over to what she thought was a dummie and poked at it, 'It's so life like.'

She continued to search the body, she was amazed at how life like it was, "ANNIE" she turned her head and saw her father at the door, he had tears running down his face but his expression showed anger.

"Did you do this to your mother? How could you after all she has done?" Her father said.

"What are you talking about? This is a joke that Mom was playing on me." Annie told him.

"You know damn well that is not true. You did this didn't you? You have the blood all over your hands and you're are trying to act all innocent. I won't let you get away with it, I won't report you because you are my daughter but I'll make your life a living hell."

"I didn't do anything, I promise I just found her like this dad. I promise I would never do anything to her." Annie cried. Her father walked over to her and slapped her.

"SHUT UP, YOU PROBABLY TORTURED HER TO DEATH." He yelled, he started to kick and push her around. He took all of his anger out on her that night.

She was 11 years old and she was being treated like this. 2 hours after he left her on the ground, she finally had the strength to get up.

She limped towards her room which she found destroyed and laid on her now broken bed. She didn't know what to do, her dad blamed her for something she didn't do and now he was going to torture her.

She cried herself to sleep that night because her mother had been killed, her father blamed her, and she had never seen that side of him. She couldn't cope and every day she would wake up beat and exhausted for another repeat.




Always the same consequences when she woke up, she wondered what would happen if she didn't wake up one day.

Just then, Annie woke up. Panting and struggling to breathe. She started crying and screaming out. Mikasa quickly woke up and tried to comfort her and hold her.

Reiner and Bertholt ran out to get the nurses. Mikasa was worried, "Calm down, Ann." 'What is this all about.' She thought.

Annie was trying to get out her grasp and she was being so aggressive, she was begging to be let go and screaming. Tears were running down her face and she was choking over herself.

When Mikasa almost lost her grasp on her, the doctors and nurses busted through the door. They ran up to Annie and tried to put her to sleep but Mikasa stopped them.

"Wait, the whole reason she is like this is because of whatever dream she had, if you put her to sleep she might wake up 10 times worse than this. Just close the door and let her get it all out."

The doctors reluctantly nodded. Mikasa was correct, if they were to put her to sleep now she might wake up and be just as loud or even louder.

The doctors walked out and closes the door leaving Mikasa, Reiner and Bertholt.

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