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All I can say is enjoy the story.

Y/N Pov--------------------

It's been 2 years... 2 years since I lost my humanity and joined rias' peerage she said she would treat us like family. Boy what's I wrong.... Eversince the red dragon emperor perv joined she's been well they've been neglecting me.. I want to train to get more powerful but Everytime rias would dismiss me.. fortunately Gasper is the only well true "friend" I have he has been with me in ups and downs and Gasper well knows my problem.i wanted to leave but then something happened that will change the course of my existence in a weird way.

Rias: alright everyone! Gather around more stray devil's have been roaming recently. So let's get this over with

Orc: yes buchou!


After we killed that stray devil I thought I was gonna die. So I wanted to train but once again denied... I had enough.i started to walk out of the orc  but then the tomato whore stoped me

Rias:y/n where do you think your going?

Y/n:oh sorry but I got to go home as I am pretty tired now.

I say with venom in my voice but no one seem to notice but Gasper.

Rias:well alright be safe

Y/n:aight see ya (next time)

I ran out of the orc,and Gasper damn well knows what is going to happen.

As I finnaly reach home I started to question why did I join her? I now noticed I made a 'mistake' joining her. As she is nothing but a power hungry spoiled whore bitch slut. She never intended to bring family were nothing more then slaves to her...

???:So. Your finnaly learning the truth huh?

Y/n:who's there?!!

Then I open my eyes and I'm in some dark space and I see 'her' the girl who was talking to me.

Then I open my eyes and I'm in some dark space and I see 'her' the girl who was talking to me

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???:hello Y/n. It's nice to finnaly see you come forth to the truth.ive been watching you since the beggining.

Y/n: uhm may I ask. Who are you?

Artoria: I'm artoria Pendragon also known as 'saber alter'

Y/n:wait you mean THAT saber alter?!

Artoria:yes,now why you're here is because I want to help you

Y/n:sure but at what cost?

Artoria:I give you my power in return I'll be your L-o-v-e-r.


Artoria:*chuckles* well you see you look cute and seem to be a good person and being treated that way ain't so.. proper I'm not gonna let that trough...

Y/n:okay then I exept. I want to be powerful and be able to protect thode who I care about like my friend Gasper of even you.

Artoria:*blushes* oh uhmm... Alright, from now on you'll be known as Y/n Pendragon.

Y/n: wait wouldn't that be incest?!

Artoria:*chuckles* no it's not plus were not even blood related I chose to do it because you'll be my lover it only makes sense.

Y/n: alright now how do we transfer your powers?

Artoria:well.... All you have to do is make out with me.


Artoria:you know making out? It's needed for the powers to transfer.also for how long... About a minute.

Y/n:okay then let's just get this over with.

And done! Don't worry the making out part will be in the next chapter for now sayonara and thx for reading until the next chapter. SEE YA!

The altered knight (betrayed alter male reader x DxDWhere stories live. Discover now