Anna and Kristoff

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Anna shivers by the door. She looks up to see ice overtaking the ceiling. The door handle suddenly jiggles. Stops. Jiggles again.

ANNA:-barely a whisper- Help.

CLICK. The door swings open. There was a carrot in the lock and hear a giggle of victory. Olaf takes the carrot, puts it back on his face. (Y/N) slowly enters in the room with Olaf. Then they sees Anna lying there.

OLAF: Anna. Oh no.
(Y/N): Flower.

Olaf runs to the fireplace. Throws in some fresh wood, including one of his own arms, which he quickly rescues, before striking a match and relighting the fire.
ANNA: Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there.
(Y/N): Olaf no.
OLAF: Whoa! So this is heat....-considering- I love it.

He reaches a twig finger toward the flames. It catches on fire.

OLAF: Ooh! But don't touch it!

He shakes the flame out, as he rushes over to help (Y/N) to take Anna near the fire.

OLAF: So, where's Hans? What happened to your kiss?
ANNA: I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love.
(Y/N): I told you Anna.
OLAF: Huh. But we ran all the way here?
ANNA: Please Olaf, you can't stay here; you'll melt.
OLAF: I am not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you.

He sits down behind her, stubbornly. Leans his back against hers and thinks.

OLAF:...Do you happen to have any ideas?
ANNA: I don't even know what love is.
(Y/N): It's ok Anna.
OLAF: That's okay, I do....-Olaf hops back up and puts a soothing hand on her shoulder- Love is...putting someone else needs before yours, like, you know, how Kristoff brought you back here to Hans and left you forever.
ANNA:...Kristoff loves me?
(Y/N): You seriously don't know.
OLAF: Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?

His face starts to melt.

ANNA: Olaf, you're melting.
(Y/N): Olaf get away from fire!
OLAF: Some people are worth melting for.

But then...his face REALLY melts. He panics, pushes the snow back in place.

OLAF: Just maybe not right this second.

Suddenly, the window blows open, cold wind sweeps in.

OLAF: Don't worry, I've got it!

Olaf flitters to the window. He pulls one panel of it shut but struggles with the second panel.

OLAF: We're going to get through-- Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something.

He breaks an icicle off the window, uses it as a telescope and sees... Kristoff and Sven running back down the mountain.

OLAF: It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way.
ANNA:...They-they are?
(Y/N): My brother for rescue. OLAF: Wow, he's really moving fast. Huh.... I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind. Anna tries to get to her feet.

ANNA: Help me up. Please.

(Y/N) hurries over.

OLAF: No, no, no, no, no. You need to stay by the fire and keep warm.
ANNA: I need to get to Kristoff.
OLAF: Why...? Oh, oh, oh, I know why.

He hops around in an excited display of hope.

OLAF: There's your act of true love, right there, riding across the fjords like a valiant, pungent reindeer king! Come on!

The walls crack under the ice pressure.

(Y/N): Look out!

They rush out the room just as the ceiling collapses.(Y/N), Anna and Olaf struggle down the hall. Ice spikes grow and block their path.

OLAF: We're trapped.

(Y/N) and Anna looks around desperately for a way out.

Elson runs, but is nearly blinded by the snow and wind.

Anna, (Y/N) and Olaf bust open a window. The storm is so strong it sweeps the window panes away.

OLAF: Slide, Anna.
(Y/N): A-Anna fast.

It's a long, snowy way down. But what choice do they have? They slide down the iced-covered building.

Anna arrives at the bottom, weak but uninjured. Olaf gathers snow along the way. He arrives at the bottom as a giant snowball. (Y/N) lands on her butt.

OLAF: We made it!
(Y/N): God why alway my butt.

He shakes off the extra snow as Anna struggles to her feet.

Kristoff and Sven bound off the mountain and sprint across the frozen fjord waters and right into the heart of the storm. Its white-out wind pushes them back. But they fight through.

KRISTOFF: Come on, buddy, faster.

(Y/N), Anna and Olaf reach the shore of the fjords.

ANNA: Kristoff!

The wind lifts Olaf up and pulls him apart. He goes swirling off into the storm.

OLAF: Keep going!

Anna struggles on with (Y/N).

ANNA: Kristoff!

Kristoff rides Sven past cracking, frozen ships. Sven struggles over the uneven surface.

KRISTOFF: Come on! Come on!

Suddenly, a mangled ship, risen by ice, capsizes over them. They give it all they've got as debris falls all around them and the mast shatters. They make it past just as the entire ship slams down and cracks the thick ice beneath their feet. The ice opens up. Sven bravely jumps over a gap. But it's too wide. He bucks Kristoff to safety, but lands in the freezing water and disappears below.

KRISTOFF: Sven? Sven!

At first there's nothing but the wind and the tumbling icy water. But suddenly, Sven surfaces and claws his way to a floating ice chunk. He calls out, signalling for Kristoff to go on.

KRISTOFF: Good boy.

The girls moves blindly across the fjord. Anna's as well as (Y/N)'s hands frost over an icy blue. She stumbles on, determined. But they're running out of time. The color in her eyes fades, the inevitable is coming.

Kristoff, lost in the white-out, doesn't know which way to turn. But then he hears a faint--

(Y/N): Kris.
ANNA: Kristoff.
KRISTOFF: Anna...? Anna!

Elson struggles through his own storm, but the fear is consuming him. A dark shadow approaches. It's Hans.

HANS: Elson. You can't run from this!

Elson backs away from him.

ELSON:...Just take care of my sisterand my love.
HANS: Your sister? She returned from the mountain weak and cold. She said you froze her heart. And your love is now my love.

ELSON: What? No.
HANS: I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was ice. Her hair turned white...

Elson's face sinks as he realizes what he has done.

HANS: Your sister is dead... because of you.

Elson drops to his knees, emotionally broken. And with that, the swirling storm suddenly stops. The snow freezes mid-air, hangs suspended, trapped in grief. Citizens and dignitaries rush to the wall's edge and look out to see...


Hey guys this was second last chapter. I had also edited the last chapter I am going to upload it right now. Bye bye c'ya

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