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That picture kind of reminded me of the room that Ella's being held in ⬆️⬆️ and the song is: Sail by Awolnation.

Enjoy! Leave a comment pleaseeee💜
(Btw, sorry this is kinda short but better than nothin)

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My head was throbbing and my ankles and wrists felt strained. I was breathing heavily through my nose because I couldn't suck any air into my mouth, something was covering it.

My eyes searched through the darkness, trying to find any sort of movement or light, but there was none. I tried moving but something was holding me back. My movements stopped when I heard the rattling of keys come from somewhere outside the room.

Light streamed through a doorway across from me as I saw a man come in. My eyes squinted as the light hit them making my vision blur for a moment. I saw the man walk towards me after he turned the lights on, making my vision worse.

He walked straight up to me and bent down to my level.

"Good morning." His deep voice said. My vision finally came back to me and I saw myself face to face with Rylan. I tried squirming away as soon as I set my eyes on him but he wasn't having it.

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek and my neck snap to the right.

"Behave kitten. Don't want to get hurt now, do we?" I felt the tears stream down my face as I looked down. My face was roughly forced up as he took hold of my jaw. "Do we?" He said more demanding. I simply glared at him but didn't say anything. He balled up his fist and swung it at my jaw. My head jerked to the left quick but he took hold of my stinging face again and ripped the duck tape off my mouth, causing a small scream to be let out of my mouth.

"DO WE?!" He screamed in my face. I rapidly shook my head up in down before I could earn another slap or punch.

"You see that camera over there?" I moved my face to the left slightly so I could see a camera set up on a stand and a blinking red light flashing every once in a while. "Aiden, all his men, your friends, and even your brother can see you right now. Their watching your every movement, seeing if they could get a clue as to where you are. But guess what? Their not going to find you."

A loud scream escaped my lips as a knife was stabbed into my thigh.

"That's right, scream for me kitten." He laughed humorously at my pain and twisted the knife that was still lodged into my leg. Another scream was let out as I threw my head back in pain and the tears increased, running down my face and dropping to the cement floor.

"I think it's about time we show Aiden what I'm really capable of, don't you think?" He walked to the corner of the room where there was a table set up with many different metal objects covering it. My eyes widened as he picked up an object that looked like a hammer and made his way towards me.

"You will not sleep, you will not eat, you will not talk, you will not squirm, and you will not scream. Do you understand me?" I tried moving away from him but the ropes held me tightly against the wooden chair.

"Do you understand me?" He asked again. My eyes bulged as I saw the hammer swing at me, connecting with my left arm. A strangled scream left my lips as I tried holding it in but the pain was unbearable.

He hit the same spot again. And again. And again.

I weakly shook my head as an agreement.

"Wonderful kitten, I'm glad you're cooperating." He smiled at me but his eyes were so dark and devious that I found myself attempting to move away again.

I felt the hammer hit the side of my leg but before I could let out another scream his palm connected to my face again.

"What did I tell you about squirming." He said gruffly through his clenched teeth.

"You know Ella, I didn't actually kill Aiden's parents. Aiden did. I did love his mother but I never killed them. I watched Aiden with my own eyes, kill both his mother and father. It was brutal." I shook my head in attempt to forget the words he just said.

Aiden didn't kill them, Rylan did.


"Aiden killed his parents."


"He shot them both in the head, then gutted them like a fish."


"He doesn't love you, you're just one of his whores."


"He tells you he loves you then he gets what he wants and gets rid of you. In Fact, I saved you from the heartbreak. I took you before he even had the chance to get rid of you himself. You should be thanking me."


"It's all Aiden's fault. He dragged you into this. He ruined your life."


"I didn't kill anyone, he did. He killed my love."


The last hit sent my chair falling to the side, making my head slam against the ground. I could barely keep my eyes open from the amount of pain rushing through my body. Rylan put duck tape over my mouth again before he starting hitting me, making my screams inaudible.

With one last kick to the stomach, Rylan stopped the torture and turned to the camera.

"Do you see this Aiden? It's all your fault. I'm going to slowly kill her before you even get close to finding us. She's getting closer and closer to her death. We still have a lot of fun ahead of us." He smirked at the camera before turning back to me. He picked up the chair and sat me upright before tightening the ropes and ripped the duct tape off and leaving the room. The lights and camera were still on though.

I continued looking down, not looking at the camera. I knew they were still watching, waiting for me to do something or give them a sign.

I slowly lifted my head and turned it towards the camera.

"Please help me." I croaked out. My throat was burning and my face was wet from all the tears rushing down it.

* * *

It felt like days until Rylan came back, but in reality it was only a few hours.

He repeated the process over and over again until I couldn't handle it any longer. I tried to sleep, to relax, but I couldn't. It didn't matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fall asleep.

"I told you, you couldn't sleep kitten. It's all in the drugs we gave you. You won't be able to sleep." He laughed at my tired expression before leaving the room once again.

I waited and waited until the process would start up again.

I was physically, mentally, emotionally exhausted but sleep would not come to me.

I don't know how much longer I could take.

"It's Aiden's fault. He dragged you into this. He ruined your life."

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Awww poor Ella. What Rylan is doing is like reverse psychology. He's basically brainwashing her into thinking Aiden is the bad guy, not Rylan.

What do you guys think about Rylan???? I want to know!!!

Next chapter will probably be in Aiden's POV. I have this amazingly awesomest plan that I think you guys will loveeeee.

Comment what you think will happen next, the person who gets the closest gets a shoutout and maybe a dedication ;)

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