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When rage takes over your body its like an out of body experience. You can't comprehend whats happening to you and you can't control your actions. All your thoughts turn to mush and your pushed to act on impulse. I used to have so much rage flowing through my veins when I was a teenager, even right before I met my Ella. But when she came along, all of those feelings ceased. She made me realize that acting upon my rage and anger gets me no where. Why do I need revenge when I had everything I wanted.

But all those thoughts reversed when he took her. All the rage came flooding back like the fucking damn opened again. I felt more anger and fear then than when I saw my parents get killed. Maybe its because Ella is my life, she is my happiness and when she was taken from me my world went dark.

Marcus took her to the hospital where I would later meet her but I had to take care of some unfinished business first.

I was standing in front of the monster who stole everything from me. He killed my parents, ruined my childhood, made me waste most of my life trying to find him, and took my love away from me. Right under my nose. I blamed myself entirely for her being taken, its all my fault that she went through all that pain and suffering. Even though I blame myself, I blame Rylan more.

He's cuffed to a chair, two of my men surrounding him with rifles in their hands. He has a huge gash on his arm from where I stabbed him when we first got here and a bullet wound on his right pec where Luke shot him when he tried to shoot me. Bodies surrounded us, we successfully killed all of them except Rylan. Our plan was just too good.

No one could've seen us coming, we snuck in blindly without anyone taking any notice to us.

"You don't know what I did to her, do you?" Rylan questioned, staring the wall behind my head. I didn't answer him, simply because I knew he was trying to get to me.

"I broke her Aiden, just like I did to your family. I shot them in front of you and your sister.Do you remember the blood that seeped out of the bullet wounds. I pulled the trigger, on both of them. Do you remember that? Do you remember staring into your mothers lifeless eyes as she stared back with no life reflecting from her eyes."

He was trying to dig deep, deep enough to wound me permanently. But what he didn't know was that I already was cut, I already was scared, and I was healing until he attempted to take someone I loved away from me.

"You know what I'm going to remember?" I asked him. He stared blankly back at me.

"I'm going to remember the wounds I give you, I am going to memorize the face you make as I stab knife after knife into your body. How the blood slowly drained from your body as I create my masterpiece. You'll see just how broken someone can get. But what you don't seem to understand is underneath all that broken mess, theres rage and a violent nature begging to be released. I've held it inside me for this very moment, I figured it'd be worth it to wait and let it build up until I was the one in control, until I was the one with the weapon in my hand as you sat alone, cuffed to a chair, waiting for someone to come rescue you. But no one will this time."

He laughed lightly after my speech. But as I looked in his eyes, I could see the defeat. He knew he was going to die today.

"I know I'm a sick man, Aidan. But you should know, I did love your mother. She was so, so beautiful and kind. She almost gave me a chance, until your dad stepped in and basically swept her off her feet. I never forgave him for that. After that, something changed within me, I became angry and violent, I didn't feel 'normal'. I felt a hatred towards everyone, I still do. But I completed what I wanted to do. I ruined you. I ruined your mother and father. I ruined your sister. And I ruined your love. So, good luck sowing all the pieces back together. I messed her up pretty badly." He started laughing crazily after completing his message to me. He eyes were wild and his mouth looked like it would tear in half from smiling and laughing so widely. He's one crazy son of a bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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