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POV: Eleven just finished getting out of the pool of salt (Season 1) and Joyce and Hopper are going to find Will (you are not mike's girlfriend btw im sorry)

Eleven wrapped herself in the towel and sat beside Mike and me as Joyce and Hopper left. Nancy and Jonathan were somewhere else in the gym. She leaned her head on Mike's shoulder and I tried to ignore it and started talking to Dustin. Then I turned and saw Eleven kiss Mike on the cheek.

I stood up and ran out to the door. I couldn't take this.

3rd Person POV

"Y/N!" Dustin called along with Lucas. "Where's Y/N?" Mike asked, looking up at Lucas. "What the heck Mike!" Lucas yelled at him. "What?" Mike asked. "We'll pretend like she didn't see El kiss you on the cheek." Dustin said sarcastically. "What do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Isn't it obvious to you? Y/n has a crush on you and you just did that!" Dustin said. "I thought you told me you liked her back?" Lucas asked angrily. "Yeah, I do but-" Mike said, standing up and facing them. "Then why didn't you stop eleven?" Dustin said. "Why do you care so much anyway?" Mike asked. 

"Because Y/n is our friend and unlike some people we don't treat our friends like shit" Lucas said, annoyed.


I ran out and ran while crying. then I bumped into someone or something. "Y/n? Why are you crying?" Nancy asked, helping me up. I just cried some more and she hugged me. "What's wrong?" She asked, stroking my back. "I-I liked M-Mike but-" I sniffled. "I saw Eleven kiss him and he- didn't tell her to stop. and I was right there" I kept crying and Nancy made me looka t her.

"Y/n listen to me. I've liked a lot of boys and here's something I've learned, most of the time, its the other girl not the boy. Eleven kissed Mike not the other way around, right?" Nancy asked. I nodded. "Here's what you do, calm yourself down and walk back in there. If Mike doesn't like you that's his loss. Your beautiful and really kind, you don't need a boy" she said, hugging me.

"I have to go but I'll see you later, okay?" Nancy said. I nodded and smiled. "Thanks Nancy" I said. I walked back inside and sat beside Dustin. "Y/n, you okay?" Lucas asked. I nodded and got up. I was still upset but I used Lucas and Dustin as distraction. When I heard Eleven get a little louder.

"I really like you Mike" she said. I swallowed hard and just kept listening to the boys. "I like you too El". I turned and saw them kissing. Mike didn't even pull away. Wow. That was the end for me. I reluctantly got up and Dustin and Lucas made eye contact as if they knew what was coming. Eleven turned to me. "Oh hey Y/n." she said as if she had no idea what had been happening.

I clenched my fist and bit my tongue to stop crying. "Michael Wheeler you have 5 seconds to explain yourself!" I yelled at him. He just looked shocked that I had yelled. I was pretty quiet, never yelled. They knew when I yelled I was MAD.

My eyes watered again. "And all this time I thought you liked me." I muttered. "Face it y/l/n. I like Eleven." Mike said. "Fuck you, Wheeler." I said, raising my middle finger at him before running out. 

Mike POV


"Damn it Mike." Lucas said. "Why are you 2 mad now?" I asked.

They looked at each other. "Y/n never told you, huh?" Lucas asked him, his voice lowering. "Tell me what?" I asked, standing up. "She tried to kill herself a few years ago, Mike! You don't know what she's doing now!" Dustin said. I snapped out and I felt in my right mind again. "Wait, what?" I asked.

"Lucas, look!" Dustin said, pointing to Eleven. "Her nose is bleeding!" Dustin said. "You controlled Mike didn't you? You made him do all of that!" Lucas yelled at her. Eleven looked scared and slumped down. I'm gonna deal with Eleven later. I ran out the door and looked around for Y/n. "Y/N! Y/N!" I yelled then I saw her crying on the floor with something in hand.


I pulled my knife out of my pocket and started cutting myself and crying on the floor. "Y/N! Y/N!" I heard someone yell. I didn't move and stayed there, continuing with the bleeding. I saw Mike run over and kneel down to me. "Y/N!" "Get away from me!" I said. "Y/N please don't kill yourself, I can explain!" Mike said, prying the knife away from me. "Just let me go!" I cried and reached for the knife.

"Y/n listen to me please!" Mike said, hugging me. "I don't want to talk to you!" I yelled and started getting up. Mike stood up and grabbed my other arm. "Listen to me!" He said. I stopped. "Y/n, Eleven was controlling me. I didn't mean to kiss her! Please, don't kill yourself over this." He said.

I stopped crying for a second. "Your lying to me." I said darkly. "I'm not. Ask Dustin or Lucas! They saw her nose bleeding after she kissed me!" Mike said. I felt myself get faint and lose color. My head started spinning and my legs get weak. "Y/n?" Mike said as I stumbled into him. He set me down on the floor and I tried to focus.

My blood ran down my arms as he stroked my hair. "I'm sorry Y/n. I understand if you're still mad. Just do me a favor and don't kill yourself please," Mike said, sighing and and starting to stand. My heart shattered and I just wanted him to stay here. "Mike please don't leave me out here." I said. 

He looked at me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm right here, its okay." He said. "Let's go inside so we can clean your arm up." He said, carrying me bridal style.

Mike POV

I carried her bridal style and went inside. Dustin and Lucas rushed to my side and told me that Eleven had went to the other room and she would be back. I put her down on the bench and grabbed some tissues from the cafeteria and cleaned her wounds. "We'll let you 2 talk" Lucas said, grabbing Dustin and running to go get pudding.

"Y/n, are you still mad at me?" I asked. She looked away, thinking. "Not really." she responded. We locked eyes and I realized just how pretty she was. Her beautiful y/h/c hair, her shining y/e/c eyes and her pretty smile. "Y/n, can I kiss you?" I asked. She smiled and we kissed.

Her lips were so soft and when we pulled away, she leaned her head on my chest. "I'm sorry Mike. I shouldn't have ran away and tried to kill myself. I should have talked to you." She sighed and I hugged her. "Its ok. Dustin and Lucas told me." I said. "You might want to talk to Eleven." She said. "Of course if you don't want to stay with her." She added quickly, pulling her head of my chest.

I kissed her head. "I'll talk to her." I said.

Vote, follow and comment if you want :) Requests on 1st chapter. 

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