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POV: You are in the Party but you are closest with Max (Eleven is not here btw)

Today was pretty normal at school. Class, Hangout with the Party and write in my Diary during class. I know, I should be listening. But I already knew all the lessons thanks to my "Mama" aka Steve Harrington. He taught me everything and I share it all with the whole party. Lets just say that Nancy Wheeler was in on it too.

Thank God we were in Science Class, the last class before lunch. I was busy writing in my diary as Mr. Clarke droned on and on until the bell rang. Max ran over to me as I shoved everything in my backpack. "Come on Y/n!" Max said, grabbing me and we ran to our lockers. Her locker was not near mine so we agreed to meet at the cafeteria later.

"Hey Y/N" 

I turned and saw Mike Wheeler, standing behind me. "Hi Mike" I said, putting my books away. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Why?" I asked. "You look flushed. Anyway, I'll see you at lunch." He said  before walking away. I knew I had a mirror in my backpack so I checked. My face was red. "Shit." was all I could say.

I had a crush on Mike since 6th grade but he didn't like me back so I didn't tell anyone. I just sighed and shut my locker before going to the cafeteria. I saw Dustin on the way there so I walked with him. During lunch, Mike asked everyone if we wanted to sleep over at his place We all agreed. The day was pretty slow as usual.

After school, I grabbed my stuff from my locker and waited for Max. Maybe I should write in my diary while waiting I thought. I opened my backpack and realized it wasn't there. I checked my locker as Max ran up. "Hey Y/n" She said as I shut my locker. Oh well. I'll probably look for it tomorrow. 

We started walking to the entrance when a teacher came and called me into her classroom. I told Max to go get Dustin, Lucas, Mike and Will and wait for me outside the school. 


"Just wait for me outside the school!" Y/n said before going in the classroom. I grabbed my skateboard and roamed the halls, looking for the boys when Mr. Clarke stopped me. "Hey Maxine!" He called. I stopped in front of him. "Its Max." I said. Mr. Clarke smiled and said. "Max, you are friends with Y/n right?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah we're friends."

"Could you give this to her? I found this at her seat in the classroom." He said, handing me a f/c notebook. "Oh yeah, sure." I said, smiling as he walked away. I grabbed my super com and told the boys to meet outside the school. I skated out and opened the notebook. 

Dear Diary, 

Today I had a boring science class as usual. Mr. Clarke had a discussion and it was pretty boring. I mean, if Mama Steve already taught me why would I need to listen to it for the 2nd time? Whatever. I finished my drawing of Mike today. It looks good not to shabby. I really like him, ever since the 6th grade. But he likes that girl, Eleven. Sure she moved away but I think they have a long distance relationship?

I have to go lunch. Thank goodness I had made friends with Max who is my best friend and her energy distracts me from Mike and all that. 

What the actual fuck. Y/n liked Mike? 


I slammed the book shut and put it in my backpack as I turned. "Maxine!" I saw Steve in his car, with his arm out, yelling at me. I skated to his car and crouched down. "What are you doing here? And don't call me Maxine." I said, rolling my eyes. "I came to pick you guys up" Steve said, confused. "Where's everyone else?" He asked.

I sighed and front seat. "Y/n's coming. The boys should be here soon-" I got cut off by Steve yelling again. "Mike! Dustin! Lucas! Will!" Steve yelled out as they walked towards the car. "Hey no fair why does Max get to sit in the front?" Dustin asked as they piled into the back. "Because she was here first and my new favorite child." Steve joked.

"Y/n!" Steve yelled as Dustin raised his middle finger at me and I did the same. Y/n ran to the car and got beside Max who were both squished in the front. "No offense Steve but you need a bigger car if your gonna constantly get us from school." Lucas said. Steve rolled his eyes and drove to Mike's house. 


"You little shitheads stay together okay? Call me if something happens." Steve instructed as we started getting out of the car. "Yes Mother" I joked. Steve drove off as we went in the house. "Mike?" Mrs. Wheeler called from the kitchen. "What mom?" Mike yelled as we made our way to the kitchen. "Oh, Hello Mike. I didn't know you were having friends over." Mrs. Wheeler said, "Billy?!" Max said. "You kids go down to the basement" Billy said. "Mrs. Wheeler and I have things to finish" Billy said, sitting closer to Mrs. Wheeler and taking out his cigarette.

We all ran down the stairs as Max asked, "Has he been coming over a lot?" she asked Mike. "Sometimes" Mike answered as we settled down. "What if they get married and Mike gets a stepdad?" I joked. "God Y/n I don't need a new dad" Mike said. "Sorry" I said, getting the snacks that Dustin handed me. "Ew then I'll be Mike's Aunt" Max said in disgust.

They looked at each other and look liked they were gonna barf. "Whatever. That's not happening" Mike said. "Better hope not" I said. "Mike can I talk to you?" Max asked, dragging him upstairs. "Uh, what?" Mike asked confused but the red head was already dragging him. 

Vote, follow and comment if you want :) Seriously I dont even know why Im writing no one's reading lmao

Part 2 soon

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