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"Your mums coming over?!" You yelled once Charlie told you. You'd just apparated into the home, expecting to be met with silence since you assumed Charlie would be at the reserve. But you came home to Charlie hurriedly tidying the home, because his mother had told him she, Arthur and Ginny were coming over for Christmas.

"Is the fireplace good?" You asked.

"Yeah, got rid of anything that Ginny might knock into," he reassured. "I cleaned up the guest rooms and the bathroom and the kitchen. Even had some small talk with the muggles next door."

"Please don't tell me you scared them."

"No," Charlie waved his wand to put the plates he'd cleaned into their places. "I told them my family was coming over for Christmas because they asked about our plans for the holidays. They said, oh how lovely sweetie, you and your wife have a happy christmas then"-

"You and your what?"

Charlie shrugged. "The grannys quite old, and traditional. Doesn't think we should live together unless we're married, of course, and we should get the muggles approval, so I said what she wanted to hear."

"Wha- Charlie, you can't just go around saying we're marri"-

"Charlie?" The two of you were interrupted by the sound of Arthur's voice from the living room. "Y/N? Are you two home?"

Charlie quickly pecked your lips before heading to the living room. You glared at him until you came in view of Arthur, when you smiled at the father hugging his son. It was a quick hug, just one arm wrapped around his son while Charlie patted his old mans back. Once he let go, he brought you in for a hug as well.

"It's good to see you both alright," Arthur said, patting your back. "How's living together been?"

"Fantastic," Charlie grinned, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "We're getting along with the neighbors- they're muggles by the way"-  Arthur lighted up immediately. "And the reserves been great."

"We'll tell you everything over tea," you said, gesturing to the couches in the living room. "Where's Molly and Ginny?"

"Molly was fussing over Ginny's hair, it's quite unbrushed. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

You chuckled at the thought of Molly chasing Ginny with a hairbrush before heading to the kitchen to prepare some tea for the entire family, only to see tea already brewed up on the counter. You smiled to yourself, glad Charlie had taken the liberty of doing it himself when he knew you always doubted your tea making skills.

As you gave Arthur and Charlie tea, placing the tray down, Ginnys high pitched voice was heard. She stumbled slightly but got out of the fireplace with a smile. "Y/N!"

You opened your arms for her and let her run into your embrace, her face burying into your stomach. "Wow, you greet her before your own brother?" Charlie joked. Ginny kept her arms around you, turning her head to Charlie and sticking out her tongue.

"Now Ginny, you know that's rude," Molly said, coming into the living room. Ginny let you go, so you were able to hug Molly, leaning down slightly. "Oh dear," she said letting you go and patting your face. "Have you been resting enough? You look awfully tired."

"It's just work," you said. "The first few months are a bit more hectic."

"The house looks lovely," Molly commented, looking around. "The rooms are upstairs?" You nodded. As she took a seat beside Arthur, and picked up her tea she looked over at Charlie who sat on the opposite side of his father. You had sat on the floor and got Ginny to sit on your lap so you could braid it. "Well, how's work been you two? Becoming adults is quite the switch."

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