A unfilmalair guest

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Revali woke up in the Hylains room stunned by what he saw. He had bright white wings with a tint of green on them. They almost match the ones on the Spring of courage in Faron region. He spoke.
"Well your not dead...thats good I guess..." His voice was soft and gentle. His wings went into his body and he pushed his hair back behind his blue earrings. He stared at the Rito for a little then said, "you need anything, water...food....rest..?"
"I guess I am a little hungry..." The Rito said. "What do you have..?"
"Well my dick seemed pretty good in your mouth but I have some apples and some nuts if you want them." He said, rummaging through his sack, he pulled out some apples, tree nuts, and some herbs. I grabbed the chickalo tree nuts and shoved them in my beak. They were really fresh as well. I grabbed a apple as well. Freshly picked. Link looked at me while smiling as I stuffed my face with the food he'd lay out for me. I saw a mask sticking out. It looked like a mask from ancient times. I tried to grab it to see it better but Link closed the bag shut on me. Well damnit now I have to see it. Stupid curiosity. I look at him for a bit ten ask, "What is that"
He sighed heavily and said, "Nothing you need to worry about....im just holding onto it for a friend.."
    He wasn't telling the full truth..but I had no clue what what part was the lie. I didnt want to confront him..he looked like he didnt want to talk about it.someother nuts but I wanted someother nuts.
I looked at Link like a dog. I asked him softly. He unzipped his pants and the dick was out. I moaned, "Oahh~" Again I rested my head on his balls. his dick still in my beak...a couple minutes later his ears twitch like crazy and pushes me off almost instantly after. He tucks it back in and runs out the door. I decided to follow him, he was heading toward the lockup. I heard faint screaming. I get worried and very scared. He unlocks a door with a key giving by a Hylian Knight and gives him 1000 rupees. He closes the door behind him and the screaming stops. He comes out with someone else with a familiar look to the hylian. He spotted me, the unfamiliar on signs something to him and I black out once more.

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