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It's here, this book is officialy starting at 11:34 3/7/15. I'm very exited for this. They're all seniors in this, so the same age. Calum is oldest and Michael is the youngest.

"Hurry the fuck up. I swear to motherfucking god if we're late once more and I get detention I will kill you." Calum shouts when he notices Mrs. Clifford was out of reach. She would murder him if she heard the swear words that were spewing out of his mouth. But he couldn't help it, Michael was a douche when it came to being on time. If he was late once more he would have to sing, in front of the class. It was a stupid punishment that Calum wouldn't really care for but his admirer could be in that class not to mention it was an ap class and Ashton was in it.

"Dude, I'm ready. We also have to go pick up Luke today, so hurry up." Michael says as he walks out the door before dodging a punch from his brother. Michael was a lucky teen at the end of the day. He had one older brother who actually liked to be seen around with him and an adorable little sister. They weren't a wealthy family but they did have money to do stuff Calum's family couldn't. "Calum, are you okay?" Michael asks sincerely glancing towards him.

He shakes his head lightly, blinking back a few tears. He was stressed with school and being a teenager his parents had to add to the pressure by fighting every night. Running a hand through his hair he twist the strands over and over before replying, "Honestly, I've never felt more at peace."

"Calum, I promise it's going to get better. It'll take some time and while it does you can always with us." Andy replies before Michael has a chance to. "You can room with Michael, he'll be fine without him and Luke not going at it for hours."

Calum chuckles lightly at Andy's remark which earns a smirk from him tossed in Michaels's direction. Calum loved the fact he could come here and Michael's family accepted him for the real him. He knew for a fact that Michael and Luke had never slept together because Michael would have told him, well maybe his brother but still he would be the first to know. He was greatly appreciative for the fact that Andy would take time from his day to make Calum feel loved.

"Contrary to popular belief I am still a virgin and I will never lose it in this house. I swear you and mom would walk in, twice, to take fucking pictures."

"Michael Gordon Clifford," His mother yells as she walks through the hallway to meet the boys at the door. "You know that isn't true, I would pull up a chair, make popcorn and call Calum so we could all watch as a family. My little boy is growing up too fast." She says as she pinches Michael's cheek and wraps an arm around Calum.

Calum loved this. It felt as if he was part of a real family but it also stung because he knew his would never be back to the way it was. "You know we would Mrs. Clifford."

"Son, know how many times am I going to tell you, call me Karenn. Mrs. Clifford makes me feel like an old lady." Michael's mother says before looking at her watch. "Look at the time, you guys need to go know if you don't want to be late and pick up Luke. See you both later." She finishes placing a kiss on Calum's cheek and shoving Michael out the door.

"You are old, Karen." Michael mocks as he walks out the door.

"Watch your back mister." His mother warns, laughing as she shoves them out the door.

Calum was sure he loved Michael and Luke wery much but they were so cuddly and stupidly in love he wanted to murder them whenever they were together. "For fucks sake!" Calum harshly whispers. He cannot get his mind around what he's trying to say. He wants them to stop being so cuddly but at the same time he wonders is that what really bothers him. Thier display of affection or the fact that Calum knows he'll never have anything as great as there's. He's thought about it forever, he's thought about his sexuality after Michael came out and after he met Ashton Irwin, but no he is straight. He's seen all the girls and can he say damn, but he won't find what Michael and Luke have. It's a special thing and only special people have it.

"Hey, Calum, have you got a note yet?" Luke asks noticing Calum opening his locker and his annoyed demenour was killing his feng shui at the moment. He had only test in his next three classes and Calum was hurting his chances of passing anyone of them.

"No, not one for almost two weeks now." He says fusturated as he looks at his reflection in the mirror. His hair looks like flying trash and he looks so dead. The bags under his eyes were so noticeble he wanted to just go to sleep and not wake up. School was stressing, his parents always complained about his eighty seven perecent averege yet his detteroating health was nothing to them. Blood transfusion aren't even a scary thought for Calum anymore he's had so much he's lost count.

"Yo, Cal don't look know but Ashton is defnitley checking you out."

"Michael, what the actual fuck. I could care less if he was checking me out, I could care less if he was shooting lasers out of his eyes. I reall don't care for Ash, he can go fuck himself." Calum huffs out, pulling at strands of his hair, him and Ashton haven't always had the greatest relationship possible.

"Calum, he's walking this way, act casual."

"What the hell is wrong with him." Calum asks Luke but not after he glances at the mirror once more, making himself look appropriate as he was doing before.

"What happened to not caring." Luke asks smirking at Calum

"Oh fuck off."

"Woah, woah watch your language kid. You don't want the new principle hearing this nonsense, especially from you Cal."

Calum hears the unmistakeable deep accent and cringes at the hickname. No one was supposed to call him that especially this douche. "It's Calum, thats my name. What do you want." All Calum wanted was for the nightmare to end and go to Chem.

"Guys, I'm having a party. It's like an end of the year party, its just not the end of the year yet. Only seniors and you guys were my first friends and you all deserve to be invited in person. It's at my place and don't forget to bring the invite. No invite, no access. See you guys there." Ashton says as he hands out the sealed invatations to the boys. He hands Calum's invite last. he loved to annoy the older boy. He tightens his grip around the paper a bit just to piss off Calum some more. He leans, closer to Calum's ear, his breath hot as he whispers. "I hope you can come, princess."

So how was that. Point out any errors and tell me if it was to fast, okay my lovelies.

Q. Do you have a least favourite ship in the band?

A. Yeah I actually do and i don't know if thats a bad thing or a good thing. But yeah I don't ship lashton whatso ever. I cant read lashton. I tried and utterly failed to write a lashton story. But I cringe at the thought of them together. I can't see it and I think I don't want to see it. To me there brothers, just really good and close friends. The age differebce erks me (( i know cashton has the same but still)) ;// Anyway thats just my opinion, I have a right to express my thoughts. (((But if yours is muke, I WILL make you see that it beats every other ship out there. Exept cashton, that is number one.)))

Love you all

- Naima

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