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"Dudes, why are we here. I don't want to be here. It's Ashtons party, of course the part is going to be lame." Calum complains in the back of Michael's jeep. "Take me home, I forgot my invite. I wanna be home."

"To watch gay porn." Michael cough whispers

"You threw it out your window yesterday morning. Luckily I was there and found it, here you go." Luke says as he turns around handing Calum the slightly ruined invitation. "What would you do without me?"

"I see your boyfriend's been rubbing off on you." Calum comments, the sarcasm pooling at their feet. "I liked you better when you didn't talk."

Michael hits the break when the car in front of them stopped without warning. "Holy shit, why kind of driver are you. Fucking stopping for no reason, wanna get the rest of us all fucking killed."

"Michael!" Both Luke and Calum yell in unison.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Michael says with a wave of his hand dismissing a concerned Luke. Michael then cranes his out the car window yelling, "This jerk in front of us is trying to kill me, my friend and my boyfriend."

They change lanes and take a right turn at the next light to get away from the driver who was giving them the crazy eye through the rearview mirror. Taking this way would make them another ten minutes late but at least his boyfriend and Calum would be safe.

"What do you have against Ashton, anyone?" Luke asks. Wondering what this feud or whatever this was,. He had come to Hilltop High in year ten so he was late on majority of the school problems and the Ashton v.s Calum dilemma was one of them.

"I don't' like him, he doesn't like me. End of story." Calum says dismissing Michael's cocky glance. He knows he'll tell a bit of the story and he's fine Luke's his friend.

"You mean thats the start of the story. You liked him, he liked you. He wanted to go public, you were to scared." Michael explains to Luke. Someone other than him had to know the real reason why the two most popular people in the school hated each other.

"It broke my heart, the one person who talked to me. Who liked me,who could tolerate me wasn't there. He left me and we haven't talked ever since"

"And where was Michael during all of this?"

"Ha, this loser." Calum snorts, "He was busy figuring himself out also we never talked because he was upset about soccer. He tried out for defence but got upgraded to goalie. But he hated that so he wasn't talking to me."

Luke smacks the back of Michael, "You weren't there for him, you're a piece of trash."

"Harsh much." Michael cries "I couldn't do anything, I barely knew him at the time. How was I supposed to know he was in love with Ashton Irwin."

"You could've just asked him?!" Luke shouts. "I feel so bad for just asking right now, It's been going on since year nine and I've just found the courage to ask you in year twelve, forgive me Calum?" He asks looking at Calum through the rearview mirror.

Calum places a kiss on Luke's cheek, knowing it would annoy Michael. "It's no problem babe, you've helped by changing this douche."

Luke smiles, "Thats all I could ever ask for."

The drive in silence all three boys reflecting on their past lives. What if they could change one thing, one thing that they said or did and this would all be over. Calum, Michael and Luke were all scared. Scared of what people would think, scared of what people might do. They were all selfish pricks.

Calum was afraid of what his friends and classmates would think. He was only in ninth grade what was he supposed to know about love. What he did know was that at night when he thought of Alex Gaskarth he would have a problem in his pants to deal with and that's what started happening with Ashton in the change room.

Pubescent Ashton, a short awkward lanky teenager. He had a fringe, not a proper fringe like Michael's old one but a half fringe. He remembers when he first came to his house, he rode a bicycle to his house. He rode a bicycle to Calum Hood's house while wearing a purple shirt. It was a sight, Ashton looked so uncomfortable in that house. He talked about the size, the space, the luxury of Calum's ratty old five bedroom home.

But now this, time changes people. Time, even though a man made concept, time eventually is what will kill us all. We all will run out of time and die. Time can either speed by or move very slowly, yet it is all a concept made up in ones very one head. Time had changed Ashton, his mother finalized her divorce. She got a new job working with a publishing firm and also found a new man. Ashton got a job as well, he decided to pursue a career in music. He was a drummer in a band.

Ashton was happy in his life and in some twisted way it was all due to himself, Calum.

"We're here." Michael tells them as he parks in front if the gates to Ashton's house. He lived in a rich white jewish neighbourhood a place where Calum did not belong. All three boys stood, mouths agape in awe. The house was magnificent none of them had ever seen anything like it.

"Lads, you made it!" Someone shouts bursting out through a hedge. "I was waiting for you guys to show up. I had almost lost hope."

"Yeah, sorry, traffic is a bitch and horrible drivers are a pain in the ass." Michael says as he shakes hands with Ashton. "But we're here now and thats all that matters!"

"Come on in, I'll show you guys around." Ashton says as he snakes his arm around Calum's shoulder.

It's a friendly one, he has a girlfriend and you have your secret admirer. Calum tells himself as he calms down. Breathe in, breathe out.

It's horrible I know, It's a filler actual part details next chapter okay. And I'll try and update it tmrw. I love you all.

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