Chapter 6

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86 looked up at the sky shielding his eyes from the sun as a plane flew over head. He grinned and skipped to a pay phone and pressed zero.

"Helloooo? Operator can I get in touch with the sheriffs office?"


Rayflo got off the plane feeling exhausted. Thankfully they had arrived at night so he wouldn't have to be in that stuffy coffin. Sighing Rayflo looked over at Chris. He looked fully awake and determined.

"I think we should take a day off before going over to the meet the Vatican."

"We can rest at the Vatican." Chris replied without missing a beat.

Rayflo sighed again and wrapped his arms around Chris' neck with a smirk. "Well your going to have to carry me there." 

It was Chris' turn to sigh as he tried to ignore the stares of the people in the air port.

"Well i see you two are as lovey dovey as ever."

Rayflo and Chris both turned to see detective Craig. Standing slightly behind him was Harold, Rayflo's son.

"Detective! Long time no see!" Rayflo said coming up to him and throwing an arm over his shoulder. "You've gotten pretty old."

Chris shook his head at Rayflo and turned to Harold.

"Harold." He said with a nod in greeting. Harold glanced at him and nodded back but didn't say anything.

"Well then I couldn't forget Harold could I?" Rayflo said smiling down at the boy. "It's been a while." He ruffled his hair. Harold blushed slightly and tried to suppress a smile.

Clearing his throat he crossed his arms. "Yes it has been a while."

Chris smiled. Harold must have came along with Craig just to see Rayflo.

"Wait. How did you know we would be here?" Rayflo asked curiously. Craig sighed and pointed back with his thumb.

Across the air port, sitting on one of the chairs and waving vigorously at them was 86. He was holding that bear that he always had with him and a caste was on his foot.

"Oh." Rayflo said as if 86 himself was the only explanation that was needed.

"So let me ask you a question. Why are you here?"

"Aw you say that as if your not happy to see us."

"No. But the last time you were here a lot of crazy shit went down and I need to know if I should be preparing myself for something." He eyed Chris and Raylo. "Well?"

Chris and Rayflo exchanged looks.

"We came to see the Vatican ."

Craig's eyes twitched before he ran his hand through his balding hair.

"Oh boy. Well that cant be good. I guess I will be preparing myself for something big." With that he turned to leave along with Harold.

"Be careful." Chris called behind them. Craig waved his hand without turning around.

"We have to go." Rayflo said after a moment of watching them go. Chris nodded and then they left the airport to go to the Vatican.


Eureka rested his head against the window. He had been flying for almost three hours now and most of the other passengers were already asleep but he was restless. He knew it would be ending soon and he would be there to witness it.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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