Chapter 5: Promise

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Rayflo walked into the hospital along with Chris and Rayfell. The rain was still going strong but they all felt that they needed to be there for Cheryl... and Rayfell. Rayflo spotted Eureka instantly. The boy was sitting down in the waiting room reading a cooking magazine. Rayflo smiled despite himself.

"You two go ahead. I'll be with you in a minute." Rayfell didn't need to be told. She was already heading down the hall where Cheryl was. Chris peered around Rayflo and saw Eureka who was now watching them silently.

"Don't be long." Chris muttered, following after Rayfell. Rayflo slipped his hands into his pockets and walked over to Eureka, sitting next to him.

"It's good to see you my guardian angel." Rayflo said tilting his head to look at Eureka. He smiled lightly.

"I'm not a guardian angel. The opposite really."

"I don't believe that. You were the one who found Cheryl right?" Eureka gazed down frowning.

"I was too late to stop him." Suddenly Eureka looked at Rayflo with curious eyes. "So what will you do? I'm sure Chris has told you what his plan is. Now that you know the true extent of what Balial will do will you..." Eureka trailed off and Rayflo stood.

"I know what I'll do." He said ruffling Eureka's hair. "Thank you for saving Cheryl." Eureka looked up at Rayflo in surprise before smiling warmly and standing up himself.

"It was no problem. I'll come and visite Cheryl from time to time but for now i must be on my way home. Take care."

"You too. Be careful. It's raining pretty hard out there."

Eureka smiled."I will."

Rayflo watched Eureka leave before heading to Cheryl's room. Before he even reached the room he was hit by the overwhelming scent of blood. Rayflo watched Rayfell and Chris hover over Cheryl's bed before going over himself. She was lying still in her bed and her skin was deathly pale. If wasn't for the beeping of the monitor or the fact that he could hear her faint heartbeat, Rayflo would have thought she was dead. Rayfell smoothed some of Cheryl's blond hair from her face. Rayflo glanced up at Chris and found him staring. He nodded and Rayflo glanced at Rayfell before stepping out of the room with Chris.

"We leave tomorrow." Chris said straight to the point. Rayflo took out a cigarette and placed it between his lips.

"I agree with you but..." Chris gave him a look.


"What are we going to say when we there? Hey I'm home?"

"We will figure that out when we get there." Chris said deadpan. This caused Rayflo to chuckle.

"I'm rubbing off on you Charley."

"Don't start that again."Chris said frowning.

"If you're going to do something then do it." The both turned just as the door opened to reveal Rayfell. She leaned against the door frame with her arm's crossed.. Her black eyes were finally cool and calm again.

"We are, we are. You don't have to push." Rayflo said casually. Rayfell took Rayflo's cigarette and placed it in her own mouth.

"I would go with you but I have to stay and protect Cheryl."

"We understand." Chris said softly and Rayfell smiled with a wink.

"Don't worry too much. My Cheryl is tough and wouldn't let someone like that beat her."

Chris smiled. "You right about that."

"Rayfell." Rayflo said suddenly. She looked at him expectantly. "When we return he will be dead."

Rayfell stared at her brother for a moment before smiling. "I hope so. Show no mercy."

Rayflo nodded then turned. "Let's go Chris."

"Right." Together, Rayflo and Chris walked out of the hospital holding onto the promise they had made.

"If you see that boy again,"Rayfell muttered after them, "Tell him i said thank you."


Eureka walked slowly through the rain his hands in his pockets. No one was out in this weather otherwise they would have noticed that he wasn't getting wet at all.

"Your such a saint Eureka." Belial said as he leaned over him.

"I did what any normal person would have done." Eureka replied without looking back. Belial grinned.

"Any normal person you say?" Eureka did stop then and tilted his head back to at Belial.

"Yes." Belial chuckled.

"Well anyway, I'm in the mood for a bit of traveling suddenly. Hmm. Maybe I'll visit the Vatican." He said laughing fully. Eureka said nothing but continued to walk but his mind swam. He knew it. Even with the help of the Vatican Rayflo and Chris will still...

"Traveling huh?"

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