~ 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ~

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You: Y/N L/N
Year: 3 ( 13-years-old)


I was walking down the hallway with Ron and Hermione, the school day just finished with a boring potions lesson with professor Snape, everyone was on edge with Sirius black on the loose and dementors at every entrance, poor Harry is terrified of them.

"Ugh I hate potions!" Ron groans as we make are way to the black lake

"Me to" I say "wait where's Harry?" Quickly Looking around for him just in case.

"He said he had homework to do so he left right after potions with Dean and Seamus to go to the library" Hermione said rather quickly with her face in a book.

I was in all of Harry's classes and we didn't have any homework due. Oh well maybe he's avoiding me or something. Mine and Harry's relationship was rather confusing one day we were are flirting the next we are just friends. We both like each other but  never really made a move.

Hermione was sitting over at a tree reading a book while me and Ron paddled in the lake. The water was cool and the spring breeze was fresh.

After a while we spotted Fred and George approaching  us with matching smirks on their faces.

"Hello L/N" Fred grin, I give them both a confused look. Fred and George were one of my close friends so I knew they were up to something.

"We have somthing for you" George passes a small, folded note to me, their faces looking like they are about to set of another prank.

I slowly unfolded the note and it read:


Meet me at the astronomy Tower at 9:30pm <3

I look up from the note to see Fred and George sniggering away.

"Who's this from exactly?" I question, hoping it was from a certain scar headed boy.

"That's for you to find out later L/N" Fred says winking at me, I roll my eyes and shove them both.

"What is it! What does it say!" Ron yells trying to snatch the note out of my hand over and over again, chasing me around to try and read the note.

"Ronnnn! Stoppp!" I laugh "it says, to Y/N L/N, don't you think Ron and Hermione should just date already-" I'm cut of by Rons shouting.

"NO that's not what it says!" Ron's yells, making the twins laugh "shut up" Ron sulks, luckily Hermione didn't hear me, if so I would've probably got smacked with a book or rocks thrown at me.

I stuffed the note into my pocket as Ron, Fred, George and I played around in the water, splashing each other.

~ time skip ~

Hermione and I were in our dorm, I told her about the note because I trust her, Hermione is like the sister I never had.

I was stressing over what to wear, "should I go in what I was wearing now or maybe something more formal?" I was pacing the room, searching draws for clothes.

"Relax" Hermione says " whoever this is they shouldn't judge you on what you wear, just wear whatever you want to"

Hermione gives the best advice, I end up going in some grey joggers and a white crop top. A million thoughts were going through my head, rushing at a thousand miles per hour.

I made my way up the thin,spiral stair case, Towards the Astronomy Tower. I open the old wooden door and enter to see the one and only

Harry James Potter.

"Oh h-hey Y/N" he stuttered out his words.

"Hey Harold" I giggle walking over to him near the railing "what do you need?"

He cleared his throat "I just wanted to hang out with y-you if that's ok-" Harry said rather flustered.

"sure" He grabs both of my hands and takes me over to the edge of the astronomy tower. "The stars are so pretty" I say

"Just like you" Harry humbles under his breathe.


"Nothing" he turns away from me looking the other direction.

They spend an hour looking at the stars, talking about random school subjects or quidditch stuff, making each other laugh as the moon shone brightly upon the Two Gryffindors.

It was coming up to half eleven. Yes they spent roughly two hours with each other without a care in the world about what could be happening in the common room or the homework due in the next day. They had each other and that's all they needed, if only they could realise it.

"I should get going, it's getting late and Hermione is probably wondering where I am" I say to Harry

"Oh ok... goodnight Y/N" Harry says

"Night Harry" I turn to leave but I'm stopped by Harry grabbing my wrist.

"I can't do this anymore..." he say quietly.

"Do what?" I question as I turn back around to face him.

"This- this whole avoiding thing, I feel like everything, Sirius black on the loose and school work just gets in the way of us"

I stay quiet listening to Harry's words, our faces only inches apart, the moon light shining down on his emerald eyes.

My lips part but no words come out, I'm pretty much speechless, Harry is normally an awkward boy and never really talks about his feelings.

His right hand pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear the other hand still on wrist, our lips only centimetres away.

His eye line look down at my lips and quickly back up to my eyes. That was the sign, I knew what he wanted.

Within seconds are lips are connected, Harry's eyes widened at the shock but quickly kisses back while wrapping his arms around my waist.

My arms wrap themselves around his neck as Harry takes control of the kiss, kissing me carefully but passionately.

After about a minute or so I slowly pull away, I rest my forehead against his and once again look into his sparkling eyes that sat behind his glasses.

I reluctantly pulled away from him and took a step back.

"Night Harold" I smile at him before turning around and walking out of the common room, I could tell Harry didn't move and was frozen in shock.

I close the Astronomy tower door and smile to myself as I walk back to my dorm where Hermione was waiting for me rather worried.

"Where have you been Y/N!" Hermione yells as I enter the dorm "I was SO worried!"

I was smiling like an idiot "I'm fine, amazing actually" I say as I sit down on my bed "I was with Harry..." At this point Hermione caught on.

"Oh... OH wait WHAT! Y/N! tell me!"

I was still smiling and turning red, I stuffed my face into my pillow feeling the happiest I've ever felt in a while.

A/N ~ my first one shot sorry if this is bad I didn't know what to do for the first one I wanted to start of softly, I have some great ones on the way though and I'll be posting roughly once a week and may even do some extras as I have loads in my drafts right now.

~ M x

𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now