Lady Dimitrescu X Ex Boyfriend Reader (nsfw)

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This was requested by @DExter1283

I hope you enjoy. <3

Castle Dimitrescu, home of the four beautiful, yet dangerous vampire women. You had known them for years, being the lucky man to date Alcina Dimitrescu, the lady of the castle. Her daughters had captured you all those years ago, fortunately for you, you spiked Lady Dimitrescu's interest. Ultimately she didn't kill you and use your blood for her wine, she loved you. Together you believed you could be a family, but it didn't work out. The two of you had been dating in secret, that is until Mother Miranda found out and she wasn't pleased.

She didn't want some random man-thing being with her beautiful Alcina, Mother Miranda believed she deserved better, especially a man that was her own height. Mother Miranda ordered Alcina to kill you. Alcina said she would, as she walked into your shared room she told you to leave and never return, for Mother Miranda wanted your head. Alcina could never bring herself to harm the man she loved. As you both said your goodbyes she cried. You had never witnessed tears flow from her beautiful yellow eyes before. You whispered into her ear that someday you'd see her again.

It's been 15 years since that dreadful day, you are now 37 years old. You lived in a bad neighborhood and a gross apartment. No friends or family except your younger brother Jacob. You and Jacob shared the apartment together, but what he didn't know was that you planned on leaving to see the love of your life once more.

Your POV

I rushed into my shitty apartment I just finished work. I grabbed a backpack that I bought from Walmart and stuffed some clothes and other shit I'd need. 'Jacob shouldn't be back until 6' I thought to myself, the clock read 4:27 PM. About an hour later I was ready for my journey to see her and leave this life behind. 'No one will miss me' I thought, I walked out the door only to be met by my fucking brother. "Hey man, where you off to with that bag?" He asked me, "Why don't you mind your goddamn business Jacob?" I said rudely.

"Damn chill out man it was just a question, you never leave the house unless it's work or for food" he replied. "I'm going on a hike, I'm bringing a tent to stay overnight by the lake okay?" I began to walk to my busted car, throwing the bag inside the passenger seat and getting in myself. Jacob looked at me from the front door, he had a confused expression but gave up and said "Well have fun, don't die on me asshole" he waved and went inside. I started the car and headed to the nearest gas station. I had been planning this for months, I've waited for too long I have to see her.

Time skip

I have been driving for hours, I looked at the map knowing that I wasn't even close. I decided to stop at a motel for the night, I was exhausted. I parked my car and payed for a room. I put my shit onto the bed and went to take a relaxing shower. But before I could there was a knock on my door. I groaned and walked over opening it. "You have got to be fucking kidding me. Jacob what the fuck are you doing here?!" I screamed. He chuckled, "Come on Y/N, we both know you hate hikes. I'm devastated that you'd lie to my face like that" He dramatically said. I pulled him into the room, "You need to leave now" I said, "Not until you tell me what the fuck you're doing! Where the hell are you going?" I sighed deeply.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you Jacob." I crossed my arms and leaned on the wall staring at my idiot brother. "What do you mean I wouldn't believe you? What are you hiding from me? You're the only family I have you can't just leave me!" He exclaimed. "I'm going to castle Dimitrescu" Jacob stared at me as if I had multiple heads. "Where the fuck is that?" he asked. "I don't have time for this Jacob, I told you where I was going now you need to go" I said, "At least let me sleep here, I drove all the way out here for you." I sighed and agreed. "I'm taking a goddamn shower, don't bother me."

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