Chapter 1

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Strength. That is how you survive. Weakness gets you killed, emotion gets you killed, feeling gets you killed. So be strong, don't feel, and survive. Survive. 

Niall sat in the brush near an abandoned gas station. His ankle was swollen and his heart was pounding.  His family was gone. He remembered it so clearly. The last day. He remembered his own father shooting his mother in the head. He remembered how his brother had shoved him out the door and told him to run as he changed into a lifeless beast. He remembered his dads last words Be Strong Ni, before he shot himself too.

Niall remembered running, and hiding, and searching for resources. He had done well for being on his own. He had gathered enough supplies in a backpack to keep himself alive. 3 months the small fourteen year old had handled himself. 3 months. Until today. 

He had expected the day to be normal, wake up in his hiding place and then survive. Today was different though. He didn't wake up to the comfort of the cave he was in, he woke up to zombie growls entering the cave.

Niall did the one thing he knew how to do. He ran. Of course while he was running he tripped and sprained his ankle. 

Which brings you back the the present. The small blonde sat uncomfortably in some bushes near a gas station, trying not to let the pain and emotions out. He was in a lot of pain. Mentally and physically. 

This whole strength thing was a lot more than Niall could handle. 

Putting on a brave face, Niall hobbled his way into the gas station. Luckily, there were no zombies inside.

As he entered the bathroom, four tall older boys immediately had guns pointed at him.

Shit  Niall thought. He held his arms up in defense and whimpered. He was just a kid after all. A scared kid.

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