Chapter 2

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"Woah guys its a little kid, don't shoot," Niall heard voice say. 

Niall opened his eyes and backed up until he was against the wall. His eyes scanned over the four boys. His body shook uncontrollably as he held in his fearful tears.

The first boy was incredibly tall, though most people were taller than Niall due to him being small for his age. The boy had curly hair tied up into a bun, and lots of tattoos. 

The next boy was also tall, though a bit shorter than the curly boy. He had soft blue eyes and fluffy hair. He smiled brightly at Niall, his tattoos, just as prominent as the other boys.

The third boy was tall with raven hair, styled up in a quiff, his eyes locked on Niall. The boy was intimidating, though Niall saw no hatred in his eyes. Tattoos covered his arms.

The last boy was tall and very muscular. His eyes were warm and gentle, as they looked over Nialls small frame almost worriedly. His tattoos were scattered over his arms, and while his large build intimidated Niall, the way he frowned down at the boy almost motherly comforted him.

"S-s-s-sorry umm I didn- ugh I d-didn't mean to. Don't hurt me please," Niall whimpered. 

"Woah calm down buddy, its okay we're not gonna hurt you," the muscular boy said, stepping near the boy, his hands slightly up in defense. 

"Yo-you're not?" Niall asked.

"No of course not, oh my you're just a kid. Are you okay? Where's your parents?" the same boy asked, nothing but concern in his voice.

Tears pricked in Nialls eyes as he thought about his family. Be strong, he thought. Niall whipped his tears and took a breathe, "my family is gone."

"Oh God," the raven hair boy spoke, coming to stand next to the muscular boy.

"Well, I'm Zayn, this is Liam, curly is Harry, and shithead over there is Louis," Zayn smirked. 

"Hey!" Louis spoke up, smacking the back of Zayn's head.

"Not now lads," Harry sighed.

"M'Niall," the small boy said. 

And that's how Niall found himself tagging along with these older boys. 

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