Chapter 3

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"Sorry bud this is gonna hurt," Louis said as he got ready to wrap Nialls swollen ankle. 

"Just do it already," Niall huffed. Anger. Mask the fear with anger. Don't feel. Don't. Feel. Shit, don't feel Niall.

The pain was unbearable as Louis wrapped his foot. Surprising himself, Niall reached out and grabbed Liams hand. He was a kid after all. 

"Your doing so good Niall," Zayn encouraged as he sat down next to the boy, rubbing his back soothingly. Harry sat on his other side, running his hands through the blonde hair. 

"Hurts," Niall whimpered. 

"I know I'm sorry kid," Louis winced. 

As Louis tied the bandage tightly Niall let out a small sob. 

"Oh buddy its okay, your all done," Louis said, holding his hands up in defense. 

Niall quickly whipped away his tears and pulled away from the boys. "M'fine." The anger was back.



Liam sighed, as Zayn and Harry left from the boys side. 

"Alright look, here's some ground rules," Liam started.

"GROUND RULES! Fuck off Liam I'm not a baby you can boss around," Niall seethed. 

"I didn't say you were. Ditch the attitude, I don't care what you think, but your still a kid, and now you're our responsibility, so listen," Liam gritted his teeth. "You are not to go anywhere without one of us, you will do as we say, and you will not curse at me do you understand?"

"I don't give a shit about your ground rules, leave me the fuck alone!" Niall yelled.

"HEY! What did he just say? Don't curse. Look kid, he's right you're our responsibility now. You're what? Like 11? We are not letting you out on your own, so shut up and listen so we can help you," Zayn said.

"Fourteen," Niall sassed. 

"Right," Zayn sighed. 

Niall sighed and walk away from the boys. He sat down against the wall of the store and took out a candy bar. Harry walked over and sat next to him.

"The fuck do you want?" Niall asked angrily.

Harry sighed. "Don't get to mad at Liam okay? He's the reason we are alive. He's responsible and motherly. He wants what's best for you, we all do."

"I don't need your help," Niall said.

"That's not true, and you know it deep down," Harry said, he patted Nialls shoulder and stood up, walking away. 

Niall didn't need help. Did he? He had survived fairly well on his own. He was strong.... No, no he wasn't. 

Niall buried his head in his arms has he sat against the wall. He was so tired and so scared. So scared. He didn't mean to be a stuck up angry brat, but it was easier to be angry then admit he was afraid. It was easier to push them away, so he didn't lose them like his family. Niall started crying at that. 

He did need their help.

Liam noticed the boy as his cried silently. He felt for the kid, he truly did. He went and sat next to the boy. 

"It's all gonna be okay," Liam said quietly.

The damn broke at that, and Niall openly sobbed. "I'm sorry."

"Shhh Niall, its okay," Liam soothed. He pulled the boy into his lap. He couldn't believe the boy was fourteen. He was so small.

Niall clutched onto Liam like his life depended on it, and he supposed it did. 

"We're gonna help you, its okay," Liam soothed, rocking the boy slightly. 

"I'm so scared," Niall whimpered. 

Liams heart broke at that. "I know."


Double update today. I completely forgot about this story, sorry. 

Ngl Idk how I feel about it, do you guys want more updates on this? 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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