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———— Fools Rush In ————

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———— Fools Rush In ————


—— A duffle bag of guns sat in the passenger side of the truck while Trevor was in the bed of the truck with the rest of the ammunition. I insisted upon him being far away from me as he could be... If I could kill him I would. He'd argue that we're best friends, but I beg to differ. I don't see how anyone could be his best friend. After all, the person who treated him the best was out in the middle of nowhere in the midst of a winter storm. There was simply no better way to put it... Trevor Philips is a damn sociopath...

"We're coming up on the spot," I yelled to T. "Get your goddamn gun out." He shouted something back, but I didn't let myself listen. I was tired of his constant insults and sarcasm at this point. All I wanted was for him to shut the fuck up. I'd do anything to make him just leave me alone.

As we entered the alleyway between the abandoned buildings that were left to rot, I could hear the faint laughter of people as if they were hyena's. I killed the truck to listen deeper, my heart thumping loudly.

My eyes focused on the black mass that was walking in front of the truck... God fucking dammit! Trevor was already marching off on foot. "Trevor, stop," I whisper shouted as I exited the truck. "You're gonna get her killed just walking in there." He was so calm, so unfazed... Why did he not care at all about the endangerment of his friend? The woman who swore that she saw him as family?

"They aren't gonna kill her Mikey. Why in the world-"

"She's black, T. You know what these people do to black people, or any person of color. We're gonna wake up tomorrow to her burnt body on our doorstep," I explained. There was a twinge of realization in his brown eyes, but somehow he still remained stoic. Though, even with his unspoken apology, I knew he was willing to help now more than ever. "Now, stay low, and keep your fucking mouth shut." A chill cascaded down my spine when the ear bursting sound of Avril's screams pierced through the air. "For fucks sake..." I hid around the corner, peaking ever so often to take notice in the familiar face that was being entrapped by the ropes around her wrists, and the way her legs were being sat on by a naked man. Fucks sake, everyone in there was bare ass naked.

The hideout looked exactly like a homeless camp to any normal human. There were two fires, a couple tents, as well as a rack for hanging wet clothes... Though it wasn't for drying clothes, but for drying people. I tensed at the sight, knowing that if I weren't here right now, that Avril would be dead within the next couple hours.

"Good lord above," Trevor muttered at the sight. "What is this shit?" I shrugged his way before turning to inspect the crowd once more. There weren't many people surrounding the area. Merely seven to fourteen people at most. "We might have to leave her for my sake." I shot Treavor a cold glare as my hands searched for my pistol.

"Alright, here's the plan-"

"You think killing me is going to send any sort of message? You're gonna be found real quick, pal," Avril shouted with a tremble in her voice. "They'll find you..." Trevor looked to me for the first time with a sense of normal human emotion in his lifeless eyes. Pain.

"Ah, for fucks sakes!" Without any sense of warning, Trevor rounded the corner, guns blazing. He was gonna kill every goddamn person in there. I didn't blame him though. I saw that resentment in his face, but also the pure rage that slipped too often. I assisted in the shooting, killing five of the men, but left the last alive for April to kill if she so desired. "Get him off his feet," I demanded of Trevor as I sprinted toward the teary eyed woman on the concrete. My knife slashed through the rope around her wrists, releasing her back to freedom. She was quick to wrap her arms around my shoulders, and thanked me over a million times. I didn't push her away, or make it seem as though we were on a tight schedule (even though we were). "Do what you want," I said to the woman as she stood to her feet without me, my hand gesturing toward the last man standing.

To my surprise, she didn't even touch the man who was being restrained, but allowed Trevor to do her dirty work instead. All the years I've known Avril, she was never the killing type. She did it if she had to, but most of the time she had very precise reasoning behind why those people should live. The first time I had asked, she told me, "They should go on with their lives knowing that I will grow old with a great life, while they will continue to rot away on the grimy streets of North Yankton." It was... I don't know... beautiful.

Blood splattered across my chest, and all over Avril's face as Trevor yelled aloud, his teeth clenched. Nothing could have prepared me for what he had done to the... the now armless man. "Fuck," Avril gasped. By the look on her face, I couldn't tell whether she was horrified, or enamored with the man behind the abrupt bloodshed.


Michael escorted me back to the truck with his hand on the small of my back. The scene I had just witnessed was unlike anything I had ever seen in my whole life. Trevor had completely torn the man's arm off, and let him bleed out on the floor as he beat the man with his own arm. It was... thrilling. "Man, that was something," I chuckled over to Michael who was driving the truck back. He hummed back, not paying me much attention. "Who were those fuckers anyway?"

"They don't have a name as far as I know," Michael shrugged.

"They're some racist motherfuckers, I'll tell you that." The only names I received while I was in there were racial slurs. I don't fucking get it. "Thank god you came when you did."

"Yeah," Michael scoffed. "Another hour and you would've been hanging on that drying rack with a fire lit under your ass." I softly laughed along with Michael at my close encounter with death itself. Sure, it wasn't that funny... But sometimes you gotta make light outta the dark shit you've been through. "You should talk to Trevor..." I deadpanned at the suggestion.

"Why? So the punk can drop me off at another fuckin death trap? Fuck that bullshit. Once we get back, I'm packing my shit. When we do that job gonna be the last time I'm seein him." I turned to look over my shoulder to see the sociopath asleep in his seat. "Damn fool... He ain't done nothing but try and kill us, M."

"He means well," Michael trailed off. "Just-Just uh... If he talks to you, hear him out, okay? Doesn't have to be anything nice, but listen to what he's gotta say." Fuck that.

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