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———— Taking Credit ————

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———— Taking Credit ————


—— My bag was packed with all of my clothes, toiletries, and accessories. Everything in the room belonged to Mikey. Plus, I had no need for a lamp where I was going. I turned to grab my phone charger, but jumped once I saw the solemn man in my doorway. "Are you out your damn mind?" His posture was slouched, and he could barely stand still without swaying. "Are you sober?" I asked with no energy to put up with the man's antics.

"I'm moderately functional," Trevor answered with a slight slur.

"I'll take that as a no," I said with a slight raise of my brows. "I hate you." My face began to deepen in color when Trevor sat onto my bed beside my suitcase. I really fucking despised this man with all of my being.

"Why? I'm lovely!" He leaned against my hardcased suitcase, his eyes widening. "I, uh... I have to take credit for... this," Trevor said, gesturing to my packed suitcase.

"I think you mean blame." He didn't respond. I knew he wasn't good with apologies, but I had seen him do it sober before. This apology had no sense behind it. He was simply speaking with no thought. "Do you feel guilty? At all?"

"I don't have time to feel guilty. And neither do you." His hand stretched toward me, and in the palm of his hand was my golden band I had left in the truck before he threw me out. I took it back before I slipped it back onto my middle finger. "But... I do feel bad... I guess," he mumbled the last part, yet I pretended like I didn't hear it. "It took me a little to come around, but when I noticed they were gonna kill you... I just got so... angry!" Abruptly, he stood. T's hands were balled into fists, and his brows were knitted together. I backed away.

"Yeah... Takes a lot of rage to rip a motherfucker's arm off," I laughed nervously. Currently, I am sitting in confusion. I wasn't sure if he was gonna kill me, or kill the rest of the nudists for even looking at me.

"Yeah, well I was that mad." I twirled the golden bad around my finger absentmindedly. "But you're alive," he sighed as he sat back down onto the bed . "You're leaving though? Why?" The expression on his pale face was one of hurt, and betrayal. How come each time I wanted to push him away, he pulled that string on my heart. Somehow, he ends up disintegrating those hateful feelings, and all those grudges I have been holding onto.

"It doesn't matter," I exhaled deeply as I sat down onto my bed beside him. "You're a real asshole some- most of the time."


"But nothin. You just really fucking annoy me, T." He hummed before looking down at his hands. "Look, I shouldn't be the one apologising... But I am sorry for saying how I wanted out. I second guess myself a lot... And now that Mikey wants me out in the field? Shit, I don't know what the fuck to do. I don't wanna get my lame-ass killed." Trevor snapped his head toward me, his eyebrow cocked.

"I've been in the passenger seat of some semi truck while you've killed at least twenty people. You really think you can't handle a couple guards?" He inquired almost as though I had offended him. "You really think I'd let something happen to you?" Yes, I really did. He tried to kill me earlier this morning, but I wouldn't tell him that. I knew that if it came down to a job, he wouldn't let a fool lay a hand on me.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, and rested my head on his shoulder/collar bone area. As I half expected, he didn't hug me back. I had pushed him away so many times that he didn't know what was acceptable anymore... That or the way he was raised without any affection from his mom. The rhythmic heartbeat in his chest calmed my nerves after the feeling of lighting this man on fire caught me in it's hold. "Go away," I gently said.

"You're holding onto me, moron," Trevor reiterated before moving me off of him. "Don't uh... Don't think too badly of me, alright?" He offered me a thumbs up before he ran straight into the doorway. I chuckled shallowly to myself after he left.

✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩

Everyone in the house was gone except for me and Michael. Brad had left with Trevor on some adventure they wouldn't tell me about. I was sure it was probably some cheap fun with shooting at the elderly or animals. Amanda had taken the kids with her to her second shopping spree of the week in Mikey's car. "What 's up, amigo?" Michael greeted me as he sat at the island. I was scraping the burnt water off the stove from when Mike was cooking noodles, and left the stove on after leaving the house. Luckily Jim knew what to do. "I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something." Once all of the grime was thrown into the trash, I urged him to continue with a quick hum. "You were saying you wanted out of this, right?"

"Yeah, I said that. Why the sudden interest?"

"Because I do too, and I don't know if Trevor ever will." We both knew too well (especially now) that Trevor was happy with what he did, and that he had no intention of quitting. "You still want that?" I nodded slowly.

"Shit, it's not the work as much as it is the group," I commented. "The money's good, you know? But... shit, I can't keep doin this with y'all." Michael nodded his head toward me with his bottom lip out a little farther than normal.

"I appreciate the honesty. Look, what if I told you I had a plan to get us... outta this without screwing each other over." For a moment I thought he was gonna ask me to run away with him and get hitched down in Mexico, but I knew that wasn't his style. "Painless, and we get a fresh start."

"Damn, what kinda plans you got goin on, Mikey?"

"If I tell you, you gotta keep this away from T. This isn't a joke neither," he ordered. "I've been talking to some FIB guys about starting a new life. Better opportunity for my kids, I get to go into early retirement... And Amanda gets a monthly salary for whatever she wants to spend it on," M explained as if he were explaining our next heist. "A pal of mine has been in touch with me for the last couple months. I get a new life, and he gets a boost in his career for capturing me." I couldn't deny that the makings of this plan were immaculate... but something in me couldn't stand the idea of Michael working behind my back the entire time. "It was originally planned that only I was gonna get a fresh start... But hey, offers open. I already talked to Davies last night..."

"Let me think about it," I said quietly. I felt... like I had been stabbed in the back. Mike was planning this scheme all along to better his life, but to worsen ours? What was the real plan for the rest of us? To rot away in a damn cell until we die? We had enough blood on our hands to terminate a whole damn government. "And I won't tell T... I promise." I kept my word on promises even when I knew it would fuck others over in the end... I never said I was a good person.

"Why aren't you two dating yet?" Michael questioned as he poured himself a glass of bourbon. I shot him a perplexed glare from the other side of the island. "You and T."

"No, I know who you meant, but WHY? He literally almost had me killed yesterday!" For some reason, Mike had the audacity to laugh at me. "Why are you laughing? That was the stupidest fucking thing I ever heard come out your mouth."

"Because once he realized your life was at stake, he woulda killed himself tryna save your ass," Mike said with a smile. "T has some fucked up decision making skills, but in the end he knows what's right, A. He wouldn't have let you die." The black haired man sipped on his drink casually as if he weren't suggesting I dated a man he was desperately trying to outrun.

"Shit, you gotta lay off the drinking, man. You got me fucked up."

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