Curled Tongues and Beatboxing

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This conlang is one that I feel should have retroflex consonants and ejectives.

(This is the only conlang video I could find at the moment that talks about retroflex consonants.)

I might think of including the retroflex lateral fricative and affricate, or maybe not. Maybe I'll base my decision on popularity once again. Or maybe select the most common IPA sounds and choose the retroflex sounds and ejectives based on symmetry.

Consonants: m, n, ɳ, p, t, ʈ, k, s, ʂ, ts, ʈʂ, w, ɭ, pʼ, tʼ, ʈ', kʼ, ts', ʈʂ'

Vowels: ɪ, iː, ʊ, uː, ɛ, eː, ɔ, oː, æ, aː

Syllable Structure: ???

Word order: OSV

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