Phantasmal Islanders

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This conlang is a mix of these two demo conlangs:

Consonants: p, t, k, q, m, n, ŋ(ng), r(rr), ɾ(r), v, s, z, h, ɬ(hl), j, l, ʘ(px), ǃ(kx), w, ts, tɬ(tl)

Vowels: a, i, u, and their long versions

Syllable structure (P)(C)V

P=Plosives(also called stops).

Only fricatives and approximants can follow stops.

Word order: OVS

For future sound changes, unlike Simātsan "palatalizing" sounds to the post-alveolar fricative and affricate, I'm thinking of doing the same thing, but to the alveolo-palatal sounds, leading to interesting clusters like pɕ and kɕ, as well as the creation of pre-nasalized clicks. And maybe a sound shift could take place weakening the tap to ɹ and the trill to the tap.

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