~Fate or Destiney?~

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"Oh." Ben said and got up as a nurse walked over to the table, "Well I got to go guys see you at lunch." 

I waved goodbye and the other creepypastas called after him saying bye. 

I sighed there were more Shadows here than in other places I have been. Taking a quick bite of still frozen peas I tried to ignore the Shadows screaming at me to kill everyone here. 

"Is Jeff not here yet?" Clockwork asked.

"No, he's in the room," Masky said and sighed.

"What's the room?" I asked.

"It's where the nurses take you if you do something 'bad' even if it's not but Jeff is, well..... Not in the best mood so...." Liu said 

"Oh yeah, I think I passed him on my way here." I nodded, "He's in the room farthest away from here." 

Another nurse walked over a few minutes later holding a thing of medicine, "Y/n time to take medicine." 

I slapped the cup out of the nurse's hand, I was being controlled by the shadows... But how it isn't night, the shadows should not be able to control me. I thought to myself.

"Y/n you're going to the room!" She grabbed me by my hair and dragged me as I clawed at her. 

"Bitch!" I growled as she threw me into the room. 

I looked at my hands as a Shadow, which was half the size of my arm., "What the..."

"Why are you talking to yourself?" A voice laughed insanely.

I recognized that voice, it was Jeff the Killer. Why'd they put me in a room with him? I thought to myself.

"I'm not talking to myself," I said quietly while going down to sit in the corner. 

"Seems like it," Jeff said while rolling his eyes. 

I sighed, "Why are you in here?" 

"Do you really want to know," He said in a taunting tone. 

I glared and nodded.

Jeff sighed, "I attacked a nurse... This place is horrible and I am tired of waiting." 

"Waiting for what?" I asked.

"Why would I tell a bitch that I don't even know," Jeff growled.

I sighed and walked to the door, peering through the little window in the center, "Ok then."

Jeff glared angrily, "What are you doing, no one is going to let you out till tomorrow."

"Oh, you're still talking to me," I said snarkily mocking his tone. I looked at the straight jacket that chained him to the wall, "You want that off?" 

"No duh bitch." Jeff said while rolling his eyes. 

I walked over to Jeff cautiously after I made sure there was no one walking by the room. 

"One second," I said while trying to cut the straight jacket with a piece of glass I found in the corner of the room. 

Jeff shook his arms out, "Thanks..." He said gruffly.

I nodded, "You're welcome, now we just need to find out how to get out of here..." 

"Over there, in that corner." A Shadow said while pointing to the corner I saw sitting in earlier, "Pull off the floor there's a brick under it." 

I walked over the corner knowing I was being watched by both cameras in the room, "Help me pull this flooring off over here." 

I pulled some of the tiling off and threw it to the side, "There's something under here." 

"How do you know that," He asked.

"Long story...." I chuckled a bit.

I picked up a brick, feeling it's weight in my hands I walked to the window. The cameras twisted to see what Jeff and I were doing, and I massed the brick into the tiny window not caring that the cameras saw. I counted down in my head, the alarms would be going off soon but I couldn't waste anytime I had to open the door.

"Hopefully this works..." I said while reaching through the broken window, trying to reach the door handle. 

Jeff pushed me out of the way and opened the door, "You were taking too long."  

"Whatever," I said while rolling my eyes.

I walked out of the room following Jeff, I knew that we had to get the others before the alarms went off. "I know where the others are, follow me." 

Jeff sighed, "I don't follow people I know, or don't know." 

I sighed, everyone I work with are always so difficult. We walked down the white hallways quickly giving him directions to the others, the others talking secretly by a large willow tree during their break time. 

Creepypasta x Reader: The Shadows are WatchingWhere stories live. Discover now