For Lena

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Lena's legs trembled as she fell to the ground. She had tried to be strong. She had been fighting all this time, but for what? She was a Luthor after all. Nobody loved her. She wanted to accept her fate. She couldn't keep fighting this. With every slash against her body, she moaned in agony. Lena lie on the cold, hard ground numb. Her captor went to take a break. She knew they would be back tomorrow. And the day after that. The pain would not end. She had given up all hope. Hope of rescue, hope of recovery. All of it, gone. 

Kara paced around her apartment. If only she was with Lena the night she got taken, if only she could of protected her. Lena was so hurt by Kara's lies. Kara gave her the space she needed in hopes to slowly regain her friendship. 

In the days following the betrayal, Lena felt numb. She thought Kara kept the secret from her because she was a Luthor. The one person she loved more then anything, betrayed her. She was weak. She turned to the one thing she knew how to do. Drink. At first it was not much. She drank periodically throughout the day, but not enough to loose her focus. 

When she thought about Kara, she was angry. Angry at Kara for not trusting her, but mostly angry at herself for letting another person betray her. Lena could no longer fall asleep at night. Her mind flooded with thoughts of Kara. The only thing she could think of is to drink until she fell asleep. So that's what she did. She got blackout drunk every night for days in a row. That's when they took her. Lena was at her lowest, which made it rather easy to take her. She was so weak and fragile. 

Kara was done giving Lena space. If Lena wont answer her calls, she will visit Lena herself. 

A wave of fear swept Kara to her knees as she entered Lena's apartment. Kara saw the blood first. There was a long streak of it on the wall, as if someone bashed another's head into it with great force. The couch was flipped as if someone tried to run. Kara's mind went into a spiral. This was all her fault. If only she went to check on Lena earlier. To make sure she was okay. 

Kara was foolish for giving her space. Kara's mistake might of cost her Lena's life. The thought of this was unbearable. Her legs wobbled and she fell to her knees. Her body felt numb as it collapsed onto the ground. She quivered as tears streamed down her face. She did not know what to do. 

Alex saw she had multiple missed calls from Kara. Concerned, she called back.

 "Kara? Is everything okay?" 

Alex was cut off by the sound of muffled tears. 

"Kara? Are you okay? What's  wrong? Where are you?" 

Kara could not find the words to speak. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She felt tears stream down her face at immense pace. 

"A-lex, i-" 

Kara tried, but that's all she could get to come from her mouth. She was paralyzed from grief and guilt. 

"Kara, where are you? I will come to you, but I can't do that if I do not know where to go. Kara, I need you to take a deep breath for me. Where are you?" 

Kara, still trembling takes a deep breath. She manages to spit out, 

"I am at Lena's apartment" 

before she becomes paralyzed by fear. Alex informs Kara she will be right there and reassures her everything will be okay.

Alex lets out a gasp as she enters into Lena's apartment. Her eyes travel the room until she locks of Kara's lifeless body on the floor. 


 Alex shouts as she runs towards her sister. Kara's eyes still filled with tears looks at Alex. 

"Sh-shes gone Alex. I wanted to check in on her an I came to see her apartment like this." 

Kara feels the tears on her face again, but she continues to talk. 

"Alex something really bad happened to Lena, but I was not here to protect her. I feel awful this is all my fault. If only i-" 

Alex cuts her off. 

"Kara look at me." 

Kara's eyes are locked on the ground. She avoids eye contact with Alex.

"Listen to me, Kara. None of this is your fault. You did not do this. Lena was hurt and you gave her the space she needed. You cannot be punished for trying to protect her." 

Kara looks up crying uncontrollably. 

"I didn't protect her though! Alex look around. If anything I killed her!"

 The thought of Lena being dead makes Kara feel like she just got punched in the gut. 

"Listen Kara, Lena is not dead. We are going to find her. I am going to look around to see if there are any clues to who kidnapped her. Kara, we will find her." 

 Lena awoke to a faint sound in the background. It sounded like someone loading a gun. Fear shivered down her spine. She did not want to go on with more pain. She had already endured enough. Her head pounded from when she was knocked out against the wall. She had felt her ribs crack when there was a blow to her chest. She could barley open her eyes anymore.

 She was cold and weak. 

She was knocked out when she was taken to this place, so she has no idea where she is. She doesn't even know who took her or why they took her. She heard someone approaching her. She saw a silhouette of a women standing above her. Lena's eyes were to swollen to see who it was. 

She felt cold metal to the back of her neck. She shivered and realized what it was. Against her neck was the barrel of a gun. Lena sat paralyzed from fear. She felt the gun push harder against her neck. Then darkness surrounded her. 

Kara hadn't slept in the days following Lena's disappearance. She stayed up looking for a way to locate Lena. Or at least a way to find the captor. 

Alex was worried for Kara. She had barely eaten the past few nights and slept little. This was completely out of character for her. Alex wanted to share good news with Kara, but truth be told there was none. They have had no hits of Lena's whereabouts. Lena's apartment had been teared apart in order to find clues. Kara continuously tried calling Lena, but there was never an answer.

A few nights went by before Kara got the call. She was stunned to see her phone light up with Lena's name. Without hesitation Kara picked up the phone and let out a sign of relief as she answered. 

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