Weakened Like Kryptonite

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Only it wasn't Lena. The voice on the other end was cold and bitter. Kara recognized this voice from anywhere.


Kara said with great anger.

"If you hurt Lena-"

"I did hurt Lena."

"Why? Why do you do this to her? What do you want with Lena?"

Kara felt her warm tears stream down her face. She could not stop them from falling.

"Well at first I was going to use Lena to get to you. I want to kill you for what you did to my dear boy."

"Okay, so kill me. Not Lena. This is our war, not hers. Please let her go. I will do anything."


Lillian repeats.

"Yes anything. Just please do not hurt Lena. Please I am begging you."

"Oh, but I did hurt Lena. You see she has been making our name look bad since the day she met you. I wanted her to know the repercussions of hanging around a super. At first I took her in hopes that you would follow, but you were nowhere to be found. Poor Lena, she had hope you would come, but I guess you never did. Since she was here, I thought it would be a good time to teach her a lesson. Teach her what happens when you befriend a super."

The tears from Kara's eyes raced down her face. She felt her heart sink down into her chest. Her biggest fear was loosing someone she loved because she was supergirl. The fear had become a reality.

"Lillian! You did your share to Lena, now take me. Please take me instead. I'll cooperate as long as Lena is safe. But I need to know if she's alive. Hand her the phone."

There is a slight pause on Lillian's end. Kara hears a loud noise followed by an agonizing moan.


Kara knew she had to do what she could to save Lena. Lillian had given Kara the coordinates on one condition, she came alone. Without a second thought, supergirl was out the door on search for Lena. Lillian held her in the basement of some abandon warehouse.

"Lena!? Its me, its supergirl. I-its Kara."

Lena felt a warm sensation when she heard Kara's voice. She was happy Kara was here to save her. Fear swept through Lena as she knew this was a trap. Kara would soon be killed by her mother.


A weakened voice pleads. Instantly Kara goes to the voice where she sees Lena lying on the ground. It doesn't look like Lena. Her face is swelled and pale, her body trembles. Yet Kara let out a breath she did not realize she was holding. She was happy to see Lena alive.

She approached Lena as she felt a strong pain in her leg. Screaming, Kara fell to the ground. Kryptonite coursed through her veins. Lena screamed out to Kara. Lillian looked at Kara, then to Lena.

She just smiled. A cold smile. She finally had the Kryptonian to her knees and nobody could save her this time. Lillian bends down to Kara's trembling body. She takes a kryptonite knife and jabs it between her ribs. Kara lets out and awful scream. Lillian pushes the knife further into Kara's body.

Lena screams at Lillian to stop. Using every last bit of energy she has, she makes an attempt to stop Lillian. Lena tries to tackle Lillian to the ground, but is too weak. Lena falls down and screams in pain.

Lillian looks down at Kara's worried face and realizes a way to hurt Kara more then Kryptonite could. 

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