Maybe they were meant for more

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The two shared a gaze that made time stop. It was just the two of them in the moment. Kara looked down at Lena's beautiful emerald eyes and wanted nothing more then to be with Lena.

To be with Lena as more then friends.

Kara slowly pulled Lena's face closer to her. Lena didn't oppose, so Kara continued. She gently kissed Lena on her neck. Lena felt chills run down her back as Kara kissed her face. Eventually Kara's lips made it to Lena's.

Lena pulled Kara onto her lips and the warmth of Lena's lips made Kara smile. Lena pulled Kara on top of her as Kara continued to kiss Lena all over. Eventually the kissing stopped and the two laid down next to each other looking into each others eyes.

Maybe Lena's mom was right, maybe they couldn't be friends. Maybe they were destined for something more.

Lena's heart raced as she looked at Kara. She was so happy that Kara kissed her. That these feelings were not just her.

Kara was so happy that Lena let her kiss her. This means Lena had felt the same. This whole time the two were terrified of what the other would think, terrified they had it wrong. The weight of this left their shoulders in an instant. All that mattered was here, in the moment they were together.

Kara smiled looking into Lena's warm eyes, Lena looked back as a smile grew across her face. She laid her head against Kara's chest.

This felt right.

This was right.

They were never meant to be friends. They were meant for so much more.  

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