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"Arrive at the Great Floating Village: Time to Follow the Fool!"

By the time the suns summited the hazy horizon the next day, Athyra's ship was already preparing the anchor as they approached their destination. Thanks to the dedication and talent of her crew, The Silver Rose was nearly directly outside of the Port of Sky, having made excellent sailing time through the calm waters through the early morning hours. 

Because of the still nature of the sea in this part of the ocean, Tavra and Onica had surprisingly fallen fast asleep after their turbulent meeting with Athyra, and the unexpected battle with the Wave Xeric. Both Tavra and Onica were still unclear of their origins or purpose, as Athyra refused to tell them more upon the conclusion of their ceremony. She claimed it would only upset them, and as always, that the time simply was not right. Onica had learned to accept these notions of hers, even though the questions filling her mind were starting to spill over. Yet Tavra often reminded her that a Far Dreamer's roll in this situation was only to experience the moment. If given all the answers at once, her readings and visions would never stay clear. Athyra knew this. And so she remained steadfast and reluctant. 

At sun's first light, both were woken gently by Loe, who simply cracked the door and whispered through it, as if he were a breath of passing wind. With all so quiet, and with her warrior's spirt ever present, Tavra woke at once to hear the command. Athyra had called for them once again. 

In moments, rubbing their sleepy eyes and adjusting their bedridden clothes, they emerged on the deck of the ship. To their surprise, the deck was relatively still and quiet. Free of commotion and noise; only a perfectly serene energy flowing all around them. Athyra's crew surrounded the borders of the ship, hands pressed tight to the railings, gripping in anticipation, taking in the wonderous sights around them. They had arrived. 

"Come and see," Athyra's voice called out to them from behind. Tavra and Onica turned to see Athyra fully clothed and still tattered from the night before. Her face was unwashed, splattered with ash from the battle, and parts of her boots and hair were still wet, as if she has remained vigilant the entire night. Like the ocean. "We have arrived at last." She placed her rough hands on their backs, pushing them forward into the small crowd of her crew. As they parted to make way, Tavra and Onica found themselves overwhelmed by a commanding sight, as their eyes were flooded with morning sunlight.

Before them was a massive town, suspended over the sea on stilts. It appeared to be pieced together with old ship hulls, masts, and sections of deconstructed buildings, held together by strong iron bindings and huge nails driven through thick tree trunks. It reminded Tavra of Athyra's pub back in Cera-Na. Perhaps this is where she had attained the notion, had she lent a hand is assisting it's design. The town was truly a sight to behold. Existing as the only settlement in all of Thra built over the water, it instantly instilled a sense of wonder and awe. There was something truly stunning about this floating city, and it beckoned questions of it's purpose, construction, and inhabitants. 

Swiftly catching a strong wind current, Athyra's ship began to pass underneath the hulking structures; her masts nearly missing thick ropes, netting, and random polls which appeared to be jutting from the bottom, cutting away just before they reached the water line. They were marked with several stripes and numbers along the sides. Tide indicators, Tavra imagined. From this vantage, she could now see the underbelly and innerworkings of the strange construction. Some sections appeared to be brand new, possibly just installed a few days ago, with fresh paint of crimsons and blues granting a glowing hue to the wooden flesh. And yet, some of the other sections were far older. Rusted, decrepit, and splinted alarmingly, often lining the bottom portions of housing.

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