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Farewell, Port of Sky! A New Course to the Lost Mountains!

"I do not have a good feeling about this," Athyra stated, leading the small group of Tavra, Onica and Nith scuttling behind. 

"You never have a good feeling about anything! Why should I be worried?" Nith returned promptly, shouting her retort over Onica's shoulder. 

The morning sun had risen, and fallen again into an ocean of clouds. Rain was sure for this town today, the weather above the Port of Sky was clear of it's intentions. Dark grey sullen clouds soon swarmed overhead, but with a gentle silence which did not conjure strong winds or dangerous sparks, only a calm steady drizzle misting the air. Tiny specks of water droplets beaded their hair as they walked through the town, dancing around stray puddles which filled the large cracks between the sea stone roads. 

Athyra gazed back at her. "I simply fail understand why you must accompany me. You know well my crew is very capable of questing."

"Because," Nith said as she scurried around Onica to Athyra's side, matching her stride as best she could with her much shorter legs. "As I said, this is my adventure too." She patted a finger to her chest. "You know you wouldn't even have this information if it weren't for me. I am the map! Literally and figuratively." 

"A map we already have!" Athyra barked. "I have copied it, sent the information forward to my crew, and now we are ready to sail."

Nith's brow wrinkled in frustration. "Did you listen to anything I said? I've been targeted! Chosen, even! These tattoos were not a mistake, they were intentional!" She jumped with impatient enthusiasm. 

"Trust me, Nith," Athyra waved at her dismissively. "Becoming a target is never a good thing."

"It is in some circumstances--and you know that. This is an advantage to your crew!"

"And what about you?" Athyra stopped and faced her. "All this does is put you in danger. As I told both Tavra and Onica when they first arrived, the sea is not a place for the young of body, nor of mind." She leaned in closer and fixed Nith with speared eyes. "You know little of what may await you out there."

Nith took a moment to absorb the notion, but then quickly realized that Athyra was speaking of herself as well. "Neither do you." She countered, narrowing her eyes and relaxing her body into a more confident pose. 

Athyra returned to a tall stance, casting Nith's figure in shadow, and crossed her arms reluctantly. Try as she may, she promptly realized Nith's resolve appeared to be as strong as her own. Perhaps it was a good idea. Nith now stood before them as the final piece to her new ensemble. After all, she was not a child. She was seasoned and strong, just like the rest of her crew. And although she lacked any real sea experience, the sea was still her home. Finally letting a small, hesitant grin slip her lip, Athyra sighed and began to stride forward once more. "Come on, then." Was all she said.

Nith said nothing more. She smiled to herself, and to Onica and Tavra as they passed, then followed her friends down the road toward the town gate. 

Upon arriving before the great opening at the front of city, one of Athyra's crew was ready with a personal lift-transport which swiftly returned them to the bottom layers of the ship yard where the Silver Rose was waiting; fully repaired, restocked and ready to battle the sea. As the lift reached the waterline, it was like descending into the sky, as a thick layer of fog had poured into the open sea doors with the early morning storm. Every space within the ship yard was draped in a thick curtain of white cloud, as if a giant ghostly spirit lay sleeping late into the blinded daybreak. 

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