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Bravery and the Spirit of the Seas: Black Flag Honor!  

Twilight had already fallen once again by the time the three sailors reached Cera-Na. The bustling, vibrant port glimmered in the near distance as the ships approached, and the reflections of the brilliant sparkles were cast deep in their eyes. Feelings of hope and inspiration coursed through them like wildfire. It was clear, this adventure of theirs was now in full momentum, and it was unstoppable.

When Tae's small ship finally docked in her home port, she and her two companions jumped down to the dock one by one; silhouettes floating down into the shadows of the dim-lit bay of boats. As they walked forward into the bright lights of the tent city, thy were immediately hit with exotic smells; Dousan incense from deep in the Wellspring, heady spices, and endless combinations of seafood charred to perfection on Sifan grills. 

All around them were the colors of the Sifa. Big and bold tapestries, flags, and tent structures, woven from sailcloth and animal textures, projecting radiant reds, purples, and blues. And between each of the shops, vendors, and restaurants, were hundreds of performers. Magicians, salesmen, fortune tellers, and singers, all dancing and wafting through an ocean of fabric and decoration. It was as if the world itself had suddenly become draped in curtains from all sides, and the noise that surrounded them was almost unnatural. But Tavra loved it.

"Every time I visit this place," she began. "It becomes more strange. More full of life." Her eyes spread across the colorful landscape with awe.

"You've only been here twice before!" Onica returned, taking Tavra's arm in hers with a hearty smile. "Wait until you have been visiting for many trine."

"True," she studied the area for a moment. "And yet it seems more lively tonight than I have seen yet." 

"Because of the hooyim races, remember?" Tae chimed in from behind. She came along side them to match their pace. "They begin tomorrow at dawn!"

"Oh yes," Tavra replied. "You have yet to tell me about it."

Tae took a breath and swelled with pride. "Well, you know the hooyim fish are our sigil animal, right?"

Tavra nodded. "Of course, we use their jeweled scales in our workshops in Ha'rar."

"Right!" Tae chirped. "And once every trine, we build special racing boats for a day of competition. When the hooyim race along the shore lines, we set out in groups of 12, testing our skills at speed and agility with our special skiffs."

"You mean just off the coast?" Tavra motioned to the nearby beach, which was riddled with jagged rocks and white caps. Tae nodded once, almost solemnly. "Sounds like madness. Who could survive such a vicious coast?"

"Many do not," Onica sighed and let her chin dip down. "It is extremely dangerous. But that is precisely why racers want to test their skills." She looked to Tavra again reassuringly. 

Tavra was slightly confused. "I'm afraid I don't understand. The reason, I mean."

"That is simple," Onica continued. "In Sifan culture, to know one's ship is to know yourself. And to test those skills--those values and traditions--as a brave sailor, that means everything."

"I see," Tavra took a moment to digest the information. "Like a warrior's trial."  

Tae nodded vigorously. "Exactly! Only the most daring can compete."

"And not to mention, a special mark of ink from the Maudra herself on your bow for a victory!" Onica beamed and stuck her thumb out into the air. "Some do it just for that single reason, I'm sure."

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