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Author: Necey (on ao3)



"I already told you how I got this place Gon," Leorio said as he squinted through the rain plastering the windshield. It was a shitty day to move, the sky almost black as night and the rain coming down in sheets. The roar of water did nothing to mask the rumble of thunder.

None of this deterred his little cousin. Gon was practically bouncing in his seat, "You didn't tell Killua." He pointed to his weird friend who looked up from where he was peering out the window. The faint glow of the dashboard lights made him look like a ghost with how pale he was.

"No, because you told him," Leorio said patiently, trying to read a street sign through the deluge.

Killua huffed, "Yeah, he told me you got it from a car crash, which isn't comforting right now."

"Oh shut up, I'm not the one who crashed. It was a car in front of me that got T-boned in an intersection. I helped save the family and the dad gave me this house because rich people are insane." He could remember the wreck vividly. The sickening crunch of impact, the way the car spun out of control, the smell of blood and a little girl's weakly beating pulse-

"Old man, you just missed the road." Killua's voice snapped him back to reality and Leorio cursed as he awkwardly turned the U-Haul around. This route would take some getting used to, all back roads and patches of trees, but he couldn't complain about the location. It was within reasonable driving distance to the college of his choice, and now that he didn't have to pay rent he could actually go to that college.

"That guy wasn't insane," Gon said once Leorio stopped griping and was back on the right road. "You saved his family, he wanted to thank you."

"He could have thanked like a normal person, with some cash or something. He gave me a mini mansion Gon. This place is huge." Five bedrooms, five and a half baths between two buildings plus eight acres? Leorio didn't even want to imagine how much his new place cost.

"Are you complaining about this?" Killua asked as he propped his elbow against the window and held his head in his hand to give Leorio an incredulous look.

"No." Leorio purposely hit a hole so Killua's elbow slipped off the door and he almost hit his head on the window. Hiding his smile, he continued, "I'm just saying this is a bit much. If the guy didn't offer to pay utilities and land taxes there's no way I could afford this."

Gon laughed as Killua reached over him to pinch Leorio, "How long is he paying for everything?"

Leorio swatted at the offending fingers but had to take the pinch to pull the truck back into the right lane. "Ow, what? Oh, he didn't say but he implied that this is a lifetime thing. Something about a life debt and keeping an old building open." Speaking of, there it was at the end of a long driveway. Trees surrounded the land on all sides, keeping the property nice and secluded from the outside world. With how charming the buildings looked, it was like something out of a picture book.

Gon and Killua leaned forward in their seats to try and get a better look through the rain. "Wow," Gon said, "it's really big."

"Did you think I was lying?" Leorio asked, backing up to the front porch of the main building. "When I said mini mansion I meant it. One of you get out and tell me how close I'm getting."

Gon tried to crawl over Killua to get out but Killua wasn't budging. "There's no garage?"

"Nope. This used to be a be a bed and breakfast so there's nothing like that. Now get out and help me back up, you're not going to melt."

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