●Demon Forms●

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While I come up with new ideas, I'd like to share some of my headcanons for the Obey Me character's demon/angel forms!

-His wings are thick and leathery
-Needs minimal cleaning
-He loves when they are touched lightly
-Enjoys when you run your fingers along his tattoo's
-Decorates his horns with numerous golden pieces of jewelry and keeps them well maintained
-Loves when you kiss the diamond on his forehead

-Horns shed and fall off every winter and grow back a few months later
-Tail is very sensitive to touch (can feel pleasure from the tips of it)
-If threanted can extend tail out to two times it's original size
-Body is covered in similar patterns to his tail

-Wings need frequent cleaning
-Prone to having feathers fall out when extremely stressed
-Dead feathers need to be plucked
-Horns are warm and emit a soft heat
-Sensitive wings, loves to be touched
-Office is scattered with feathers

-His wings are useless, he can't fly with them
-Sharp ends of wings can be used as weapons
-Wings leave sore spots when gone and really enjoys when you massage him
-Horns are fragile and the tips often break off if he's not careful
-White spots on his torso are his own addition to look cooler, he likes when you compliment them
-Adds jewelry and such to his wings

-Warmth. Give him warmth. He sleeps with several blankets to keep warm due to the reptile-like nature of his true form.
-Sheds his tail every few weeks, sometimes he needs your help getting it all off
-Lets you bathe with him to soak the tail and loosen the skin
-Sometimes he decorates his horns with gems

-Curls his tail around his leg to avoid hurting you
-When pissed he flicks it out and hits his brothers
-Accidentally cuts himself every once and a while
-Doesn't like his horns and how similar they are to Lucifer's
-Likes when you rub his tail against the sharp parts so you don't hurt yourself

-Will paint his wings pink to add more color
-Wishes he had a tail like Barbatos
-Loves when you touch his horns or use them as handles
-Doodles hearts like on his arm over papers and books (Satan hates it)

-Wings make a rapid buzzing noise
-Senses are heightend when in demon form
-Hates when anyone touches his wings
-Horns are sensitive to the touch
-The tattoo marks on his body line his entire body
-Buzzes when happy

-Tail is insanely soft but closer to the middle it can be a bit prickly
-Loves when you rub the top of it and brush it
-Doesn't like when his horns are messes with
-Can let out a low purr of content when his tail is touched

-Wings are a beautiful cream white with a set on top and bottom, similar to a butterflies
-Loves when you touch them
-Hair gets a white streak
-Gold highlights on his wings feathers

-Small, pure white wings
-Feet get a small pair of wings that help him fly due to his other wings small size
-Hates cleaning his wings

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