Chapter 20 : Three Enigmas for One

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"What now?" exclaimed Aymee, frowning.

"No, no, no," said Astou. "We received the instructions. Come and see."

Megan and Aymee leaned over the table to get a glimpse of said instructions.

"Damn it," complained Megan. "First a poem and now riddles."

What: I'm scattered in your heads, I'm never the same in everyone and yet that's what is expected of me.
Where: From the stars to dreams, there is only to rise.
When: First Gauloise then Romaine, I am associated with fertility and horses.

If you are not at the When at the Exact Time, you will be disqualified and will not be able to participate in the What.

At first glance, nothing came to Aymee's mind. Although the when seemed much more accessible than the others. Romans stinging other's stuff was common after their great expansion. From what Aymee remembered from Chiron's lessons, they drew a lot of inspiration from other people's cultures, like when they took over the Greek gods and incorporated them into their own culture. She shrugged and told herself she would go to the library later as she sat down and helped herself to a helping of dough.

"We'll have plenty of time to find it, that's fine."

"It depends on when," said Astou. "You should find it first, in my opinion."

"Yeah..." said Megan. "It would be easier to find the when if it was about a date and not a person."

"Maybe by finding out who it is, we'll know the date," Duncan suggested.

"Yes!" Rosalie exclaimed. "It's probably his birthday!"

Grant leaned over the sheet.

"So we have to find a gauloise... What is a gauloise? A woman from Wales?"

"Of course!" Rosalie exclaimed. "This is surely it!"

"But your idea doesn't work," Penelope cut her off. "Besides the fact that you're wrong, a birthday isn't specific enough. They say to be on time, or you will only have one date."

"It doesn't matter! If I have the date and place, I'll just have to stand there all day and sooner or later I'll be on time, nah?"

For once, Rosalie's simplicity might suit her. Her idea wasn't that bad. Only, Penelope was right, a birthday was surely too vague. Something was missing. Aymee sat down and helped herself to a generous helping of meat pie with mashed potatoes. She only listened vaguely to what they were saying, too busy thinking about riddles.

"—And you Aymee?"

Aymee crawled out of her mind to find the other Ravenclaws staring at her as if waiting for an answer from her.

"Huh, what?" she blinked.

"What do you think it could be?"

"Oh, huh, no idea. What's the riddle again?"

"I'm scattered in your heads, I'm never the same in everyone and yet that's what is expected of me," recited Astou.

"Huh... the truth? Honestly these riddles are like the Ravenclaw statue's riddles."

"We should be used to it by now," Megan said sarcastically.

She got revenge on her steak and the others knew best to leave her alone: ​​Rosalie and she were the only first years who hadn't yet managed to solve a riddle of the statue. If Rosalie wasn't really paying attention, Megan was getting more and more on edge.

"And the place then?" James asked to change the subject. "From stars to dreams, there is only to rise. Sounds like the Astronomy Tower, right?"

"And where is the dream?"

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